英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿 LMG:隐色孔雀绿 Robustness of the method,which was apparently omitted in many method descriptions so far,was investigated.For that reason,chromatographic parameters of MG and LMG were determined on three different

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 15:36:59

英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿 LMG:隐色孔雀绿 Robustness of the method,which was apparently omitted in many method descriptions so far,was investigated.For that reason,chromatographic parameters of MG and LMG were determined on three different
Robustness of the method,which was apparently omitted in many method descriptions so far,was investigated.For that reason,chromatographic parameters of MG and LMG were determined on three different HPLC columns.Each HPLC column was examined with three mobile phase batches (Table 2).All chromatograms were similar,with best analytical performance for the determination of LMG.Furthermore ,samples were processed over different SPE-columns from different suppliers,or with different batch numbers from the same supplier (Table 3).All batches aromatic sulfonic acid type SPE columns obtained from J.T.Baker gave acceptable recoveries,as well as the SCX cartridges purchased from IST and Varian (Bond Elut).The other columns gave rise to unsatisfactory recovery results.
In the control of illegal veterinary use of the drug,stored aquatic products may have to be sampled.Alternatively,samples may have to be stored until analysis.Such conditions may affect the final level in the laboratory sample.Stability of MG and LMG during storage at 14 8C (for 1,2 and 4 days) and at –20 °C (for 1,2 and 6 months) was therefore investigated (Tables 6 and 7).Whereas degradation of MG residues was less than 20% within 6 months at -20°C,residues were apparently very unstable at +4°C,as only approximately 60% MG and LMG was recovered after 4 days.Freeze–thaw cycles also affected stability of the residues considerably (Table 8)
The described HPLC method has been furnished with numerous data,which is scarcely given in other public method presentations,showing its ability to detect MG in several fish species.The collected data demonstrate that the sample processing and HPLC analysis,backed-up by LC–MS–MS analysis when necessary,is amenable in control and inspection programs to secure food free from this veterinary drug.

英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿 LMG:隐色孔雀绿 Robustness of the method,which was apparently omitted in many method descriptions so far,was investigated.For that reason,chromatographic parameters of MG and LMG were determined on three different
方法的耐用性,至今很多方法描述中常被忽略,也经过研究.因为MG和LMG色谱图的参数会在三支不同的HPLC柱上确定.每一支HPLC柱都在三种流动相批次上进行了测试(表2).所有色谱土都很相似,在LMG的确定上有着很好地分析表现.此外,样品在不同的不同供应商,或同一供应商提供的不同批号的SPE柱上操作(见表3),从J.T.Baker获得的所有批次芳香族磺酸型SPE柱都得到可接受的回收率,从IST和Varian (Bond Elut)那里获得的SCX柱箱也有相似的结果.其他的色谱柱则有升高,回收率结果不令人满意.
在违法兽用药品的对照品中,储藏的水产品可能不得不被取样.或者不得不把样品储藏起来直到进行分析.这些条件可能会影响在实验室种样品的最终水平.因此,研究了在14 8度(1,2和4天)和零下20度(1,2和6个月)期间MG和LMG的稳定性(表6和7).在零下20%保存6个月内MG残留的降解产物不足20%,在4度下残留物表现得很不稳定,在4天后仅有接近60%的MG和LMG被回收.冷冻-解冻循环也会显著影响残留物的稳定性(表8).

英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿LMG:隐色孔雀绿3 .Results and discussionStandard curves of the regressed concentration points gave squared correlation coefficients better than 0.9999 for each MG and LMG separate and as a mixture.The time interval 英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿 LMG:隐色孔雀绿 Robustness of the method,which was apparently omitted in many method descriptions so far,was investigated.For that reason,chromatographic parameters of MG and LMG were determined on three different 英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿 LMG:隐色孔雀绿As some of the products,which are sampled are smoked or canned,thus possibly heat-treated,the influence of a higher temperature on the recovery of MG and LMG was studied as well.Salmon spiked at 35 m 英语翻译MG:孔雀石绿 LMG:隐色孔雀绿The use of an LC–MS–MS system was then explored for the confirmation of HPLC analysis results.It was found that sensitivity was greatly improved with preservation of accuracy and preci-sion found 隐色孔雀石绿和显色孔雀石绿有什么不同,隐色孔雀石绿有什么化学性质 孔雀石绿草酸盐 孔雀石绿 一样吗 孔雀石绿有毒吗? 孔雀石绿好吗 孔雀石绿是什么 什么是“孔雀石绿” 孔雀石绿是什么 什么是“孔雀石绿” 孔雀石和孔雀石绿有关系吗如题 孔雀石对人体好吗?注意是孔雀石!不是孔雀石绿! 显性孔雀石绿与隐形孔雀石绿分别是什么 孔雀石绿是什么?为什么有人在海产品里加孔雀石绿, 请问:什么叫做孔雀石绿? 绿孔雀的英语单词.