托福口语求修改我语法很烂,真的很烂……请不要口下留情.Which campus improvement do you suggestyour school to invest in:swimming pool,cafeteria ordormitory.Please give specific reasons to supportyour opinion.【Point】1.Dormitar

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:01:46

托福口语求修改我语法很烂,真的很烂……请不要口下留情.Which campus improvement do you suggestyour school to invest in:swimming pool,cafeteria ordormitory.Please give specific reasons to supportyour opinion.【Point】1.Dormitar
Which campus improvement do you suggestyour school to invest in:
swimming pool,cafeteria ordormitory.Please give specific reasons to support
your opinion.
2.No hot water
cannot take shower in our own dormitary and cannot drinktea ,caffe or hot water in winter
too bad
we are perhaps have cold.
3.beds are old enough
always make some crunching noises.
4.Some domitoris lived 5 students,somedomitoris lived 6 students,and each other lived 4 students.
Too crowded

托福口语求修改我语法很烂,真的很烂……请不要口下留情.Which campus improvement do you suggestyour school to invest in:swimming pool,cafeteria ordormitory.Please give specific reasons to supportyour opinion.【Point】1.Dormitar
From my perspective,school should invest campus improvement in dormitory mainly due to three reasons:
First of all,there is no hot water in our dorm.This makes us not able to take shower,and drink tea or hot water in winter,which is really bad.
Furthermore,the beds are really old.They make crunching noises when we sleep.
Last but not least,some students share a room with 3 students,and some share with 5,which is unfair,and obviously it's too crowded for the room with 6 people.
Therefore I believe dormitory should be improved.

托福口语求修改我语法很烂,真的很烂……请不要口下留情.Which campus improvement do you suggestyour school to invest in:swimming pool,cafeteria ordormitory.Please give specific reasons to supportyour opinion.【Point】1.Dormitar 托福口语复议能提多少我成绩 阅读29 听力28 口语23 作文25 总分105 这样的话需要复议吗?这个分真的很... 托福口语怎么练,求方法?口语一直是我最大的难题,求问大家托福口语怎么练? 托福口语怎么练,求方法?口语一直是我最大的难题,求问大家托福口语怎么练 怎么样可以在半年内使英语达到出国的水平我现在的英语不是很好,但我想在半年后参托福,可是该怎么提高拉?请过路的姐姐哥哥帮帮我出个点子啊.听说托福很要求口语和语法啊,有什么办法 托福口语15分要不要复议?急!我的托福口语二战15分,总分80,一战时口语18分,我日日夜夜的看托福,只考了这么点.口语要不要复议啊,求高人指点.我还报了10G.真的怕了托福了. 求托福口语后四题备考方法!还有一个月托福,很担心口语后四题, 有点傻的问题……托福口语……一定要美音吗?我比较适应英音,觉得改口音有点困难……可是托福考官碰到一个人进来一口英音不会觉得很奇怪吗?还是他们真的只听逻辑性和语音清晰就可 我的托福99很悲剧,口语22写作27,复议成功的概率大么?关键口语23分是...我的托福99很悲剧,口语22写作27,复议成功的概率大么?关键口语23分是高一个档次的… 怎样能在短时间内挺高口语,要考托福,但是口语很烂, 作文不行,语法好,考雅思还是托福?麻烦诸位认真回答,我真的很需要认真选择,作文一败涂地. 托福口语能力如何提高?想考托福 可是口语真的很差! 托福 口语 准备六月份就要考托福了,听力和阅读我还有复习的方法和方向,可口语真让我头疼,其实我不太知道该怎么练,一天练多久.语音我还算准吧,可是反应很慢,脑袋里没货,想表达出来总要 新托福的口语怎么提高..我觉得改变口音是一件很困难的事... 求托福口语真经的音频! 英语是语法重要,还是口语重要?我自己真的不知道该怎么选择 托福99分要不要复议?R:27 L:25 S:22 W:25.我很复议口语和写作!我的写作真的感觉写的特别好,两个都是good.而且我之前考过27分.至于口语,也觉得说的非常尽力了.三个都是fair.真的就差1分,纠结要 托福口语陪练外教一对一哪里好啊?我真的不了解,希望你给我推荐一下啊!