WWW是指A.world wide web B.wide world web C.web world wide D.web wide world

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 18:08:29

WWW是指A.world wide web B.wide world web C.web world wide D.web wide world
WWW是指A.world wide web B.wide world web C.web world wide D.web wide world

WWW是指A.world wide web B.wide world web C.web world wide D.web wide world
万维网(World Wide Web,缩写为WWW)是因特网上的超文本系统.超文本文件通过一个称为“网页浏览器”的程序从服务器(或称“网站”)获取信息(或称“文档”、“档案”、“网页”),并在您的电脑屏幕上显现出来.您可以通过网页中的超级链接来在各个网页中间跳跃,甚至可以像服务器回传信息互动交流.这种跟随超级链接的上网方式通常被称为“网上冲浪”.

WWW是指A.world wide web B.wide world web C.web world wide D.web wide world “WWW”(world wide web)是什么? 什么是WWW(World Wide Web)? 对“WWW”解释有误的是( ).A、World Wide Web 万维网 B、IE浏览器 C、Internet上提供的一种信息浏览服 哪位仁兄能给提供一下与计算机相关的名词解释啊?比如说:www是world wide web之类的! WWW即World Wide Web,我们通常称它为___. 英语翻译English is a world-wide used language 对么? Nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a the world wide 英语翻译only steps are taken to deal with this problem immediately can we avoid a severe world-wide water shortage later on. it can beThe World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly Wait can.The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it ________be very slow.A.should b.must c.will d.can.which one 重要的是说一下为什么?It can be We all know English is _______(wide)used in the world. WWW的全称是什么word wide web World Wide Web是什么意思快! 英语翻译World Class.World Wide.的内涵如下:World Class是指提供给客户的产品质量和服务是最好的,在这个行业是世界领先者.World Wide是指在地理上是一个全球性公司.最好言简意赅,朗朗上口! If I Ain't Got You ,Nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing.请问这句英文的意思是? Is the panda__symbol for the World Wide Fund for Nature?A.aB.anC.theD./ best chinese translation agency,http://www.kouyichina.com/As a local Chinese translation agency registered in Xi'an, China, we provide professional translation services to clients from various industries throughout the world, with a focus on the Engl