
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 10:18:31


Nowadays teenagers tend to take some movie stars or singers as their idols.They are crazy about those stars.But I am not one of them.I think such kind of thing is a waste of time and energy.The stars I prefer are the real stars in the universe.I want to explore the mysteries of the stars.My ideal is to be an astronomer.
The Stars I Prefer
Nowadays girls like some movie stars or singers.They are crazy about those stars.I am a girl,too.But I am not one of them.The stars I prefer is the true musicians,such as Bach and Beethoven.Appreciating their music can purify my soul.And what's more,their music will last forever.They can never be out of date.Therefore,I love them and their music also.
“我认为不要没有理智的追星,明星也是普通人 只是职业不同,我们可以喜欢他们,听他们的歌看他们的电影作为工作学习之余的消遣,而不是盲目的追随.其实除了看他们美丽的外表,我们更应该看到他们努力勤奋的一面,应该像他们学习,比如刘德华,他踏实勤奋,同样,明星们也是希望他们的粉丝可以好好学习好好工作,”
I think we shouldn't catch up with star no rational,the star is only the ordinary people of different professional,we can like them,listen to their songs to see their work as a film while learning the entertainment,rather than blindly follow.In fact,apart from look at their beautiful appearance,we should be even more diligent efforts to see their side,as they should be learning,such as Andy Lau,his pragmatic hard-working,the same,stars the fans also hope that they can study well and good

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