分析结构 分析下面10句句子的结构和成分~1.A surgeon is a special kind of doctor who operates on sick people 2.She works at a service centre for the disabled people3.I did not know that he was one of the best-known film-makers4.The youn

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 09:48:50

分析结构 分析下面10句句子的结构和成分~1.A surgeon is a special kind of doctor who operates on sick people 2.She works at a service centre for the disabled people3.I did not know that he was one of the best-known film-makers4.The youn
分析结构 分析下面10句句子的结构和成分~
1.A surgeon is a special kind of doctor who operates on sick people
2.She works at a service centre for the disabled people
3.I did not know that he was one of the best-known film-makers
4.The young people do not have their parents make decision for them
5.Mr.Green gave his students classes in English litewature
6 A He needed an operation
7 B They sent her a present
8 C Exercises keep me healthy
9 D Hosptials are their work places
10 E A secretary works in an office

分析结构 分析下面10句句子的结构和成分~1.A surgeon is a special kind of doctor who operates on sick people 2.She works at a service centre for the disabled people3.I did not know that he was one of the best-known film-makers4.The youn
1.A surgeon是主语,is是谓语 a special kind of doctor是宾语,who operates on sick people是定语从句,这个定语从句的先行词是doctor,在定语从句中who是关系代词作主语,operates是从句的谓语,后面是状语
2.She是主语 works是谓语 at a service centre是地点状语 for the disabled people是目的状语
3.I 是主语did not是助动词 know是谓语 that he was one of the best-known film-makers是及物动词know的宾语从句,that是引导词,在这个宾语从句中,he是主语 was是谓语 one of the best-known film-makers是介词短语作宾语
4.The young people是主语 do not是助动词,have和make构成联合谓语(have sb do sth) their parents与make 构成主谓关系,decision是make的宾语
5.Mr.Green 是主语gave 是谓语his students间接宾语 classes 直接宾语in English litewature是方式状语
6 A He是主语 needed 是谓语an operation是宾语
7 B They是主语 sent是谓语 her是间接宾语 a present是直接宾语
8 C Exercises主语 keep 是谓语me宾语 healthy 是宾语补足语
9 D Hosptials主语 are 是系动词作谓语their work places是名词作表语
10 E A secretary是主语,works是不及物动词作谓语 in an office 介词短语作为不及物动词work 的宾语

分析结构 分析下面10句句子的结构和成分~1.A surgeon is a special kind of doctor who operates on sick people 2.She works at a service centre for the disabled people3.I did not know that he was one of the best-known film-makers4.The youn 英语句子结构分析!(荧光笔画的那句) 分析句子的结构层次.我非常热爱我们伟大的祖国,分析这句话的结构层次.分析句 What deep down you would truly love to achieve?这句怎么翻译?还有分析一下句子的结构和成分 如何分析句子结构 画圈题求句子结构分析 分析下列句子结构 分析下句子结构 求分析句子结构, 分析句子的语法成分请高手帮我分析一下“What you see reflects what your heart is like”的结构和成分.两个what的用法有什么不同吗?它们在句中是什么成分呢?整个句的结构和成分是什么样的呢? 请大神帮我分析一下下面句子的结构,就是分析主谓宾,定状补成分I have decided to place an order of some books . 请高手分析一下这句话的句子结构和成分Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 请分析一下He always looks happy.和I saw a man waving to me.的句子结构成分. 请帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分和语法结构,谢谢!This is not necessarily the case, however. when do you have the dinner?分析下句子的结构和成分,when是连词还是代词?do呢? 句子结构和成分分析:It is the same with the challenge that come with friendship. 用成分分析法和层次分析法分析下面句子1.姐姐和哥哥的朋友来了.(是个歧义句) 结构力学分析下面结构的几何体系