英语翻译56.数学老师知道如果汤姆解不出这道难题,那么很可能班上别的同学也解不出.(chances are that)57.科学家们已经做了无数实验,表明在改进人的行为方面,表扬比批评有效的多.(far more effecti

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:04:46

英语翻译56.数学老师知道如果汤姆解不出这道难题,那么很可能班上别的同学也解不出.(chances are that)57.科学家们已经做了无数实验,表明在改进人的行为方面,表扬比批评有效的多.(far more effecti
56.数学老师知道如果汤姆解不出这道难题,那么很可能班上别的同学也解不出.(chances are that)
57.科学家们已经做了无数实验,表明在改进人的行为方面,表扬比批评有效的多.(far more effective than)
58.我确实知道,现在不少年轻人有一边做作业,一边听背景音乐的习惯.(have the habit of doing one thing while doing another)
59.市长在他的电视讲话中详细谈了交通安全问题.他提到自一月份以来,由交通事故造成的死亡人数一直在上升.(TV talk,on the rise)
60.这个故事是由两部分构成的.(be composed of)
61.你向我大喊大叫,你得向我道歉.(scream at,owe,apology)
62.这部小说的依据是我的一些最好的朋友的生活故事.(be based on)
63.他是一个总是按照原则办事的人.(act on)
64.弗吉尼亚(Virginia)是根据弗吉女王(Virgin Queen)命名的.(name after)
65.恶劣天气阻碍了卫星的发射.(set back)

英语翻译56.数学老师知道如果汤姆解不出这道难题,那么很可能班上别的同学也解不出.(chances are that)57.科学家们已经做了无数实验,表明在改进人的行为方面,表扬比批评有效的多.(far more effecti
The math teacher knows that if Tom doesn't know how to solve this difficult problem, chances are that other students in the class probably don't know how to solve it, either.
Scientists have done countless experiements to show that compliments are far more effective than criticism in changing people's behavior.
I know for sure that many young people now have the habit of doing their homework while listening to music.
The Mayor in his TV talk discussed in details about road safety issue. He mentioned that since Janurary, death caused by traffic accident has been on the rise.
This story is composed of two parts.
You were screaming at me. You owe me an apology.
This novel is based on some of my best friends' lives.
He always acts on principles.
Virginia is named after the Virgin Queen.
The inclement weather has set back the launch of the satellite.