英语作文看图说话 十句话左右(快.三个男孩在打篮球.Tom在灌篮.结果摔倒了.另两个赶紧送他去医院.后来脚缠了绷带.有同学来帮他补课.还有一女生来献花.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 07:35:39

英语作文看图说话 十句话左右(快.三个男孩在打篮球.Tom在灌篮.结果摔倒了.另两个赶紧送他去医院.后来脚缠了绷带.有同学来帮他补课.还有一女生来献花.
英语作文看图说话 十句话左右(快.

英语作文看图说话 十句话左右(快.三个男孩在打篮球.Tom在灌篮.结果摔倒了.另两个赶紧送他去医院.后来脚缠了绷带.有同学来帮他补课.还有一女生来献花.
Three boys are playing the basketball after school.They enjoy themselves .When Tom slamed dunk ,and unfortunately tumbled him down.Two other students sent Tom to nearby hospitol hurriedly.Fortunately, no serious injuried. Afterward Tom's foot was entangled the bandage.These days can only leave resting at home.Some classmates helped him to make up a missed lesson. And a schoolgirl came to visit Tom and presented flowers.Although the foot is injured,but Tom's heart feeled so warm.