英语语法高手一定要进哦What a great weight the mother felt taken off her mind the moment she found heo lost son!老师这样分析道:此句为主从复合句.主句:What a great weight 定语从句:the mother felt taken off her mind

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 17:34:18

英语语法高手一定要进哦What a great weight the mother felt taken off her mind the moment she found heo lost son!老师这样分析道:此句为主从复合句.主句:What a great weight 定语从句:the mother felt taken off her mind
What a great weight the mother felt taken off her mind the moment she found heo lost son!
主句:What a great weight
定语从句:the mother felt taken off her mind
时间状语从句:the moment she found heo lost son
1,{What a great weight 【the mother felt taken off her mind 】} 这个主句的谓语是什么?
2,the moment 后面说可以加that,那么我的疑惑是加了that,就应该是一个定语从句修饰 moment 那么从句后面就只是个名词the moment 带上一个从句能加that吗?有这样的例子We havn't met for 20 years but I recognized him the moment(that) I saw him.不是可以加that了吗?
1,{What a great weight 【the mother felt taken off her mind 】}
the mother 主句
felt 谓语
What a great weight 前置
taken off her mind 宾语补足语

英语语法高手一定要进哦What a great weight the mother felt taken off her mind the moment she found heo lost son!老师这样分析道:此句为主从复合句.主句:What a great weight 定语从句:the mother felt taken off her mind
1. 楼主理解基本正确.
1)主句:What a great weight the mother felt taken off her mind
2)(时间状语)从句:the moment she found her lost son
2. 不过,主句还应该是一个以what引导的感叹句.正因为是感叹句,所以句子出现了倒装.
还原成正常句序为:the mother felt a great weight taken off her mind
再如:He is a clever boy. 其感叹句变成:What a clever boy he is.
其中,the mother是主语,felt是谓语,a great weight是宾语,而taken off her mind为过去分词短语做宾语补足语.
3. 时间状语从句分析:
引导词the moment,主语she,谓语found,her lost son为宾语.
一般来说,the moment就等同于连词,后面的that可加可不加,不过一般不加.
名词短语做连词的有:the minute, the second, the instance, the + 序数词 + time 等.

英语语法高手一定要进哦What a great weight the mother felt taken off her mind the moment she found heo lost son!老师这样分析道:此句为主从复合句.主句:What a great weight 定语从句:the mother felt taken off her mind 英语语法高手一定要进哦Oh, your brother has arrived already. I _____be ____ tomorrow.A, think, is coming B, thought ,was coming C, thought ,will come D,think, will come.疑惑:1,这个想是我现在想还是过去的想?2,第二个空 英语语法一定要背吗? 英语语法高手一点进哦1,It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______A.it what to do withB.what to do it withC.what to do with itD.to do what with it1,这个题目有很多人解释过,一时说是省略一 求高中英语语法高手 ASTM A-53 Gr B 英语语法,求用法,求what;what a;how.的用法?( )beautiful girl she is? 英语语法:in what英语语法:Give a present,in what human relationship is good solve.中in what 是什么成分,麻烦分析一下句子? 英语高手速进,一定要啊,1.-Hello,Mary.What are you doing?-I'am watching a match.It started at 8pm.And___on for another half an hour.A.was B.had been C.will be D.has been 【C】2.-Excuse me,where's the hotel?-Go___the forest and____the foot o 在英语语法的感叹句中,how和how a后面跟什么?what 和what a 后面又跟什么? what ------- interest book!A ; a B ;an求高手 哪位高手知道break的用法一定要全哦 已知a的平方-3a-1=0.求a的立方+1/a的立方 一道简单的数学题,望高手帮助!一定要看清题目哦 英语语法高手进,realx realxes realxing realxed的区别和用法 高中英语语法填空,新题型求高手 Who is the best actor do you think What do you think is the best actor 英语语法高手看看哪句语法错误RT速度 英语语法高手来.动词原形做表语的情况如 What I must do is study hard.我的问题是:什么时候才能用动词原形做表语. cherish what we have , enjoy a happy l求高手