
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 08:31:49


From the vertical position of criminal victims,remolded,but generally experienced four stages.First,as the executor punishment victim.In primitive society,no country,no class,no criminal lawsuit,"everyone is equal,free,including the women,".In this simple nature of the society after killing and damage,turn to the blood vengeance (including blood vengeance and those revenge.) Then again,and sin,revenge homomorphisms of blood vengeance instead.The punishment is the aggressor by the victim or his near relatives or their clan.Therefore,during this period,the victim has actually been punished executives from the position.
In the second stage,the criminal punishment is a victim.With the development of society,the country has appeared increasingly perfect,and the national judicial gradually,the penalty power became an important part of national judicial implementation by the state,and must come,in order to maintain the status and the rulers,and the victim power lost the executor.Punishment But,still have the right to greater victim in the criminal prosecution.Corresponding,criminal litigation also adopted "impeachment type" litigation structure,don't tell.However,with the class differentiation and the class struggle,whether criminal prosecution to national judicial organs for judicial sanctions depends entirely on the victim will procedure can't adapt to the need of ruling class.In order to safeguard the interests of the crackdown,effective rule,in this lawsuit in medieval Europe structural reform.The country executes continental type of litigation,the British rectification asked a grand jury system of charges.Hence,to crime and especially the enroach on the interests of the state,has not whether criminal prosecution,the victim will depend entirely on the state shall be investigated for criminal initiative began.However,this is not completely ruled out the victim as a criminal prosecution action position,most of the infringement of citizens' personal and the rights and interests of the victim remains by prosecution.In modern criminal procedure system establishment,crime is believed to be the victims of the individual.After the establishment of modern theory of punishment for crime is explained and the masses of ruling class represents the interests of the state,the threat of social order,and the national interests is the most important,the victim suffers pain became the second.The establishment of public prosecution tried agencies and institutions,to prosecute and punish the criminals became the victim of a few power,only mild cases have since the litigation.But in criminal lawsuit,the victim of a suit directly from the object into a crime,a deal with the tool,the victim's statement in the country to be seen as merely the criminal litigation evidence used in one of the many.In the past,criminal murdered number times to pay their loss compensation.Now,the compensation in criminal lawsuit in secondary position,in many cases even its victim by the direct losses are hard to claim.At this stage,the protection of the social and national interests far above the victim to punish criminals and claim for compensation,in the best interests of the victim in criminal cases,the problem is forgotten.In the worst case,they will still again.Although criminal judicature is established to protect the interests of the victim,but often makes people feel whole criminal judicial process is always in the defendant.

英语翻译从纵向看,刑事被害人的地位并非一成不变,而是经历了大体上四个阶段.首先,是作为刑罚执行者的被害人.在原始社会,没有国家,没有阶级,也没有刑事诉讼,“大家都是平等、自由的,包 英语强人,请帮忙翻译一句话论我国刑事被害人权益保障机制的欠缺及其完善 英语翻译从王某某、刘某某故意伤害案看我国刑事认证制度 这道法律题目我不太懂.、甲在骗取被害人1万元后,立即被被害人发觉.被害人当场抓住甲,甲为了逃脱,顺势拾起路边一块砖头猛砸被害人头部,致其昏迷,并借机逃跑.试分析甲的行为性质和刑事 英语翻译论西周的刑事政策 从哲学的角度,何谓横向联系,什么是纵向联系,要是从数学的角度看呢? 从魏塔克五界系统看微生物的分类与地位? 中世纪欧洲在基督教的黑暗笼罩下时,以伊斯兰教为特点的阿拉伯文明格外摧残.对于这种文明的地位,史学家的评价是:从纵向看,它在人类历史上具有承前(希腊.罗马)启后(文艺复兴)的作用;从 刑事违法的特征 英语翻译赋予被害人上诉权不会与被告人的上诉不加刑原则相冲突.帮忙翻译成英文... 判断题:警察的两种基本职能并非处于同等地位,政治镇压职能通常置于首要地位 从四川地震看中国共产党的执政地位是历史和人民的选择 从世界史的角度看,明治天皇的历史地位是否比康熙大帝要高? 从鲁迅的一篇小说看鲁迅小说的历史地位? 关于CN-的化学题场,排查出三个犯罪嫌疑人.经分析,由于水源较远,凶手不可能将毒物用水冲掉,但当场经试剂检验,三个人手上都出现负反应.这是,一化验员提出一妙计,警长遂命人从被害人厨房 一到数学题(很简单的噢)甲乙两车从两地相向刑事,6小时可以相遇,甲车行完全程需要10小时.乙车行完全程需要几小时? 秦朝丞相的职能是什么?从材料一可知丞相的政治地位怎样? 是否是凹凸透镜 是否要看光从哪边入才能判定?并非看透镜的形状?我是要你们回答我的问题啊