
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 20:37:54


The north in this city of my house.There is a dam in the neighborhood.The facilities is very well-found here,there are movie theater,western restaurant,and bookstore...etc..Certainly,the garden is also very beautiful,small bridge flowing water,the Yu Yu spring onion spring onion.There are a lot of restaurants all in the neighborhood of our house.Not only so,we can toughen sooner or later.It may be said everything complete,I like here very much.

My home locates the north of the city, with a dam nearby. Here the facilities is so completed, such as cinema、western-style restaurant、bookstore and so on. Certainly, the garden is also quite wonderfu...


My home locates the north of the city, with a dam nearby. Here the facilities is so completed, such as cinema、western-style restaurant、bookstore and so on. Certainly, the garden is also quite wonderful, with small bridge around the flowing water and some green and fresh grove. There are many victualing houses closed to my home. Moreover, we can exercise in the morning or at dusk. It is available everything ! I like here very much.


My home in the city's north. Have a dam in the vicinity. Here, the facilities are complete, has cinemas, restaurants, bookstores and so on. Of course, the Garden is also very beautiful, bridges, green...


My home in the city's north. Have a dam in the vicinity. Here, the facilities are complete, has cinemas, restaurants, bookstores and so on. Of course, the Garden is also very beautiful, bridges, green and luxuriant. Have a lot of restaurants are in the vicinity of our home. Not only so that we can go sooner or later exercise. Yes everything is delicious, I am here to enjoy.


英语翻译我的家在这个城市的北方.在附近有一座水坝.这里设施很齐全,有电影院、西餐厅、书店等等.当然,花园也很漂亮,小桥流水,郁郁葱葱.有很多餐厅都在我们家附近.不仅这样,我们早晚都 英语翻译 在最近几年里这个城市的人口急剧增加(explode) 英语翻译 在门的附近 有在澳大利亚 阿德莱德市的么?我要去这个城市阿 英语翻译!我约见附近的朋友在青年中心见面. 英语翻译正确的意思是“我有整整5年没来这个城市了.”,但一开始我的翻译是“自从我第一次来这个城市已经有5年了.” 这个城市的社会治安怎么样?英语翻译. 在过去的十年中我们目睹了这个城市的巨大变化.用英语翻译(decade,witness) 【我的祖父母住在这个城市的西部】 英语翻译 在北方的翻译 我家乡的水污染比这个城市少(英语翻译) 英语翻译1,这个城市用水很多 2,运动会去年在我市举行 3,我的家乡将要建造许多大楼 4,我们学校附近在建一家现代化医院 5,吴先生生病住院了.我们去看他时,他正在动手术 6,最近电视机降价了 在北方生长的植物有哪些 这个城市的北面有一条铁路 怎么用英语翻译 比萨位于意大利哪里的是哪个城市的或附近城市,在地图上没看见这个城市,是马萨里的吗 08715378562在这个电话号码中可以知道:这个城市的区号是( )这个城市是( ) “在附近”的英文翻译? 在...附近的英文翻译