
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:52:51


所有事物都是互相联系又互相作用的.To interact or engage in informal communication with others for mutual assistance or support.
沟通,互助介入与其他人非正式的交往以获得多方帮助 To provide a forum whereby practicing continuing educators can interact and develop their pursuit in lifelong education
为持续教育工作者提供互相交流及发展终身教育的基地 The way Chinese people interact and address is complicated and knowledgeable.
中国人的人际交往和称谓真是即复杂又有学问.wettability is the potential of a surface to interact with liquids with specified characteristics

interact Interact with try to interact with something encourage somebody interactionsomebody 后填to interact 还是interaction If yes,how regularly do you interact with customer in any of the following countries? Interact with users to receive confidential information such as IDs and passwords.翻译下! supply and demand interact to affect priceenglish and chinese informationthanks very much operating system is the basic software that allows the user to interact with the computer. there are other people who I can interact with.是定语从句对吗? 这个句子里的with which是什么用法?The ease with which drug and receptor interact is influenced by ...是不是定语从句啊?感觉with 是和 interact 连的,为什么放到前面去了? 英语翻译The top ten issues in E-StrategyIntroduction The Internet is changing the way customers,suppliers,and companies interact to conduct business,communicate,and collaborate.It also changes the way we interact,learn,communicate and negotiate.A There are various ways in which individual,economic units can interact with one another.这边in which 相当于什么?句子如何翻译?in which individual,economic units can interact with one another是作句子的后置定语吗? 英语翻译Demonstrated ability to interface/collobrate on cross-functional teams and interact at all levels in the organization. 翻译下面的句子 这两种思想相互影响,最后形成一个全新的观点.(interact with) please translate follow sentences,thank you!DCs interact directly with bacteria that have gained accesss via M cells. 适当形式,这个空怎么填?Jobs that involve a degree of social ----(interact) are usually more satisfying. people can interact with businesses at any hour of the day that it is convenient to them就是这句, 英语翻译1.who you interact with?2.dropping in your line3.the bucks and hens nights4.the significance of marriage often comes uner attack