
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:58:09


He knew where his heart lay,but where did his duty lie?And so did he toss and turn,and get up for a drink of water,and knock over a pile of books.
Night came.I missed Fang,tossing about in bed,sleepless.
I am back again in a season.



zhǎn zhuǎn

toss about


toss about
81. 我既伤心又愤怒。那天晚上我辗转反侧。第二天早上,我跑去察看那头叭喇狗,期望从它那布满斑点的身上至少能发现一个深长的伤口。
I was grief-stricken and angry. That night I tossed and turned. The next morning I stepped out to look at the bulldog, hoping to see at least a gash in its speckled hide.
82. 1939年,他们获准加入法国国籍,这刚好就在第二次世界大战爆发之前。后来他们又辗转前往法国南部的马赛,并计划在这里这居。
They were granted French citizenship in 1939, just before the outbreak of the Second World War, and headed for Marseilles in the south of the country, where they planned to settle.
83. 在这之前,圣彼得堡、莫斯科、北京、广州,不停的路过,辗转,脚步匆匆,没有任何回头的时间停留在候车室、候机厅、站台、车厢。
Before I came back, I've been to Sent-Petersburg, Moscow,Beijing, and Guangzhou, everytime I was hurry up.I've no time to look back, in the waiting rooms, in the airport, platform,or inside of the train.
84. 拿破仑军队战败,带著部分官兵仓促逃回法国,落在后头没办法跟上的,只有自食其力,辗转逃回。落在后头狼狈的回家。落后拉长的队伍。
Napoleon eventually scurried back to France, abandoning the remnants of his army to [straggle] home as best they could.
85. 当大雁在夜空长鸣,当不穿海豹皮外衣的女人对丈夫开始关心,当索丕躺在公园一条长凳上辗转不安,这时读者可能知道,冬天已经近在咫尺。
When wild geese honk high of nights, and when women without sealskin coats grow kind to their husbands, and when Soapy moves uneasily on his bench in the park, you may know that winter is near at hand.
86. 它可以帮助减轻神经紧张,无法入眠的现象.有很多人常常晚上辗转不能熟睡或时睡时醒或脑筋太清醒胡思乱想或听到一点点声音或光线就睡不著.
Indications for Use: For fast relief of restlessness, innability to fall asleep, sleeplessness, tossing &turning, light sleeping, overactive mind, tension/anxiety, disturbed sleep, unrefreshing sleep, nightly itching &muscular spasms.
87. 这时候,考克斯夫妇也打完了嘴仗,言归于好,他们上了床--想来想去,辗转反侧,烦躁不安,思量古德森究竟对那个走投无路的流浪汉说了一句什么话
By this time the Coxes too had completed their spat and their reconciliation, and were turning in--to think, to think, and toss, and fret, and worry over what the remark could possibly have been which Goodson made to the stranded derelict
88. 由于气候原因,黄河上游在3700~2800 a BP存在一段洪水频发期,造成人类活动辗转于二级和三级阶地,形成以单一型遗址为主的文化堆积。
(2) the earliest cultural layer deposited on the second terrace is Majiayao type of Majiayao Culture, suggesting that the ancient men moved to the second terrace at least during 3169-2882 a BC;
89. 本文认为,泰语民族的发祥地是在今广西、云南和越南交界一带地区,其先民是后来才辗转迁徙到今天他们居住的这一带地区并形成今天分布在中国云南和东南亚的傣、泰、老、掸诸民族的。
The author of this paper opines that the cradle of Tai-speaking people is just on the common border of today's Guangxi, Yunnan of China and northern Vietnam, and the ancestors of the Tai groups in the land they occupy today were later immigrants from their cradle and graddly became the modern Tai groups such as Dai, Lao, Thai and Shan etc. later.
90. 综观回归后特首董建华评分的走势(可参阅半年结图表),有关数字自九七年下半年起辗转下跌,并于本年度下半年跌至其上任以来的新低;其下半年平均分为48.4分,较上半年显著下跌5.6分。
On a macro level (please see the chart with half-yearly averages), CE's ratings have been decreasing since the second half of 1997, to a record low of 48.4 marks in the second half of this year, which was a significant drop of 5.6 marks from that of the first half of the year.
91. 1929年有一部分辗转入藏北京图书馆,即今国家图书馆,成为今天国内收藏西夏文佛经最富的单位。 本文根据当事人留存的著录、研究著作和回忆文章探讨这批西夏文佛经文献出土的时间、地点;
In 1929,a part of sutras were collected in Beijing Library,that is now National Library and this library collects the most abundant of sutra written in XiXia characters in China.
92. 书籍的主人包括新加坡文化界、新闻界名字响亮的人物,一些名家手稿也跟着藏书落户长堤彼岸,另有大批马华(包括新加坡)文学著作、中华文史著作、新加坡社团特刊及书法绘画集,也因为在新加坡找不到栖身之地,辗转到了新山。
Sharing the same fate is another large volume of works, among them books penned by Singaporeans and Malaysians, titles on Chinese literature, publications by clan associations here, and collections of calligraphy and paintings. They have also settled down in Johor Baru as there was no place here to keep them.
93. 辗
to grind; to crush; to run over
94. 翻身
1.to turn the body over; 2.[Figurative] to have a break of fortune; to rise from poverty to affluence
95. 辗金辘
gold tooth polisher
96. 辗胶机
rubber rolling mill
97. 不得翻身
Have no chance to rise again or recover
98. 翻来覆去
toss and turn
99. 翻身农奴
emancipated serfs
100. 辗压设备
rolled metal equipment
