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冤鬼路》是一篇篇幅不太长的长篇小说,本来我今年也没有看这本书的计划,只是前段时间听恐怖故事时才知道有这么一本书,在网上下载了,花了两天时间就看完了.以前我没有看过恐怖小说,本来以为我的胆小,承受不住小说对心脏的考验,而且也不屑于看这类小说,觉得这种小说没有什么可读性,不是文学的主流.但从最近的网络文学来看,恐怖小说有流行的趋势,《盗墓笔记》、《鬼吹灯》等小说的名声很响,我也安排了读书计划.这部《冤鬼路》算是先热热身吧.说到正题,《冤鬼路》我觉得还不完全算是一本恐怖小说,倒有点象玄幻小说和言情小说的结合,故事情节不太恐怖,也就是说还没有足够的恐怖元素在里面,除了神仙鬼怪之外,也没有多少让我毛骨悚然的地方,感觉颇似《聊斋志异》.如果从作者的文笔来说,能看得出是有一定基础的,但是思路还不够开阔,比起我前些时间所听的同一系列作品《灵堂课室》而言还显稚嫩了些,比我听过的经典恐怖小说《碎脸》要低一个档次.从目前我的认识来看,网络上流传的一些恐怖小说还是局限于一些玄幻的内容,可能就是网络上玄幻小说的一个发展分支吧.这些所谓的恐怖小说,就象以前港台的一些所谓恐怖电影一样,都要有些鬼怪之类的东西来渲染恐怖,好象离开了鬼怪就不能形成恐怖故事了.就连与现实比较接近的《碎脸》也有一些非人的东西在里面.我觉得这就是中国恐怖文学的一个最大的弱点.国外的恐怖小说、广播剧等我也没有看过和听过,但我看过一部至今记忆犹新的国外恐怖电影《惊声尖叫》,它的恐怖程度不用我来说,它已经是恐怖电影的代表作了,但是它却没有鬼怪的元素,所有的恐怖情节归根结底都是人的行为,这种故事让人感觉比较真实,令人有一种身临其境的感觉,产生的恐怖效果也就非同一般了.我觉得,恐怖文学应该告诉人们这样一种道理:世上本无鬼怪,所有的恐怖都是由人内心产生的.希望中国的文学也要多一些经典,也希望能看到一些真正的国产的恐怖小说.Cause devils road "take a picture is not too long novel,originally I this year has not looked the book's plan,but some time ago to listen to horror stories don't know there's a book,online download,spent two days just finish.Before I haven't seen horror novel,original think my timidity,bear novel on the test of heart,but also disdain to see this kind of novels,feel this kind of novels nothing readable,not the mainstream literature.But judging from the recent network literature,horror novel have popular trend,the robs a tomb notes ","ghost blows out the" novels fame very loud,I also arranged reading plan.This "road" was first cause ghost!Warming up their engines Saying to a positive to avenge the ghost,"road" I think is still not completely is a thriller,pour a bit like fantasy novel and romantic novel combined,not too terror plot,i.e.haven't enough terrorist elements inside,besides fairy ghost outside,also do not have how many made my hair stand on end of place,feeling resemble "masterpiece".If the author's style of speaking,could see that there is some basic,but thinking is insufficient still open,earlier than I hear in the same series of works "mourning hall classroom concerned has shown some puerile,more than I had ever heard of classic horror novel SuiLian" want to low a class.I know from the current view,network circulating on some terrorist novel is limited to a few fantasy content,may be on the network fantasy novel as a development branch!These so-called horror novel,like some of the so-called Taiwan before,like horror movies are some things like ghosts,rendering terrorist,as if left the ghost cannot form horror story.Even with realistic close to the "SuiLian" also have some non-human things inside.I think this is a Chinese terrorist a literature greatest weakness.Foreign horror novel,radio play until I have not seen and heard,but I watched a favorite memories of foreign terrorist the movie,scream,its terror degree not me,it is already the masterpiece of horror movie,but it has no ghosts elements,all terror plot ultimately is the behavior of people,this story lets a person feel compare reality,makes a person have the feeling of a kind of be personally on the terrorist,produce the effect would be extraordinary.I think,terror literature should tell people such a truth:there is no ghosts,all terror is by the person heart produces.Hope of Chinese literature and some classical,also hope to be able to see some real homebred horror novel.