we_(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:49:59

we_(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)
we_(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)

we_(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)
adapted ourselves to
They adapted themselves to city life
He adapted himself to the cold weather
You should adapt yourself to the new environment.

adapted to


have adapted to

adapt to适应的意思,习惯。
这里从at last可以看出来应该用过去式
最终用adapted to

we_(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt) Most people get sick because the weather is cold.(改为同义句) Most people get sick the cold weat we_(have)breakfast when the postman_(come) We_ put the rubbish into rubbish bins. He isn't doing his homework(last week) We_(not pick)apples on the farm yesterday We_(have)a picnic the sea of my heart was dancing yo be honest when I weat you 求翻译 they weat pretty clothes to celebrate the coming spring. coming 为什么要加ing. The Cold War The Cold War 完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singi...完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singing.(talent)?3.Their sudden attack___( The T-shirt is too large for me to weat it.看不出来也.哪儿错了也~ In big cities,you can find___(weat)people___(walk) in the streets. 是catch the cold还是catch cold? The cold one THE COLD WAR怎么样 我们每年都去长城旅行.用英语怎么说?We_ _ _ _to the Great Wall every year 既然你计划移居加拿大,那你必须努力适应寒冷的气候.这句话翻译成英语,这样行不?since you decided to move to the canada,you muat adapt to the cold weather 把句子改为感叹句1.He is a good boy.How_________________________What___________________________2.The rabbit runs very fast.How_________________________3.It is a beautiful flower.What_______________________How_________________________4.The weat The cold onewhether the cold one really exist?