
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:52:21


楼上Lechen Yuan的开头跟我基本一致,但是不同之处我就改动一下吧(改动之处用大写显示,容易看得见
If I were the leader of the world,I would stop wars forever.Our life would be full of harmony and happiness.Nobody had to live in a life of fear.There would be no more VOILENT WEAPONS OR innocent victims.
(首先,虚拟语气应该用were,不能改成was.杀伤性武器,用voilent weapons一来更符合英语习惯用法,二来跟innocent victims对偶,句式上更美观简洁.另外在否定句里,不能用and,要用or)
If I were the leader of the world,I would build up the equalities AMONG different classes and genders,no matter how rich or how famous you are.There would never be any THEFT,robbery,or crime.( among 代替between是因为对象是多个,不止2个.另外简化了繁琐的语句.还有偷窃的名词是theft)
If I were the leader of the world,the world would be covered by forests.I would require everyone on earth to plant ten trees,so that the world would BE OF billions of trees and the whole universe would be of fresh air.
(世界上有什么,不能用the world have这种中国式英语,应该是there are ...in the world,或 the world is of.BE OF用在非人的事物后面,表示具有,具备.的意思)