
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:57:43


Drought ravaged yunnan Since it is autumn since last five provinces,southwest worse by unprecedented drought disasters,until now still not ease drought conditions in more than 2,000 people,has more than 100 million acres of water,reducing land arable land,JueShou even southwest,people's production and life by the crisis.Five provinces,the worst-hit throughout yunnan,yunnan is almost all different levels of drought,and many people drink a day on the water,concise milliliter in rural areas and people back from several kilometers horse again the local water,all the people were in yunnan drought victims,but they have to constantly hit save water,the government organizations,government offices at all levels are leading the people to the scourge to strive hard the damage to a minimum!Can say,the drought disasters to yunnan people's caused huge economic losses!I watched the children some Internet not drink sheung shui that longing eyes,not every day,we will tremble clean drinking water,but the people in yunnan in the disaster but only a day before drinking water,the water is not even after drinking water,the water is too little,yunnan is not a shortage of each place,its size,and that the male is small,the more water,and water will destroy and suffering!But,although no affection,love isn't broken water broken heart,no dry dry!We are all descendants of the same blood flowed,vein is the Great Wall,the arteries is yellow,hand in hand,we have a common name "China"!We are loving family,yunnan people's hard,we ought to help!We don't think more than a thousand dollars donated to donate a piece,we also not too little,murmuring streams,love can also great!Please make us a helping hand to people making donations to help yunnan enthusiastically,we also believe that the great yunnan people's must be able to overcome the drought disaster reconstruction that beauty of yunnan!Yunnan people appreciate your help and care,yunnan providing people of all nationalities will remember all helped them throughout their generations of people!干旱肆虐云南 自从去年入秋以来,西南五省区就糟受了前所未有的干旱灾害,直到现在干旱情况仍未缓解,现已导致两千多万人饮水困难,一亿多亩耕地干旱,大量土地减收甚至绝收,西南人民生产生活遭受了巨大的危机.五省区中,受灾最严重的是云南省,云南全境几乎都有不同程度的旱情,许多人一天只能喝上两三百毫升的水,农村地区还要靠人背马驼从好几公里以外的地方运水,所有云南人民都是干旱的受灾者,但他们都再不断自救,政府组织打水,各级党政机关都在带领人民坚苦奋斗力求将这次天灾的破坏降至最小!可以说,这次干旱灾害给云南人民造成了巨大的经济损失!我看着网上一些云南的孩子喝不上水那种渴望的眼神,心中不禁颤抖,我们每天都能喝上干净的水,但云南的人民在这次灾害面前却只能每天喝一点点水,这些水甚至是不能饮用的脏水,饮用水毕竟太少了,云南是一个不缺水的地方,各个大小湖泊星罗棋布,而当天公发了威,人是渺小的,再多水的地方都会因为缺水而倍受破坏和折磨!但是,天虽无情人有情,水断了爱没断,地旱了心没旱!我们都是炎黄子孙,身上流着一样的血,静脉是长城,动脉是黄河,手牵手,我们有一个共同的名字“中国”!我们都是相亲相爱的一家人,云南人民有难,我们理应出手相助!捐一千块我们不嫌多,捐一块我们也不嫌少,涓涓细流可以汇成江河,点滴爱心也是伟大!请让我们伸出援手,踊跃捐款捐物帮助云南人民度过难关,我们也相信,伟大的云南人民一定能战胜这次干旱灾害重建那美丽的云南!云南人民感谢你们的帮助和关心,云南四千五百万各族人民将世世代代铭记所有帮助过他们的人!