英语 在括号内填上一个适合的完整的单词 该词首字母已给My little brother fell off a tree and (h ) his leg.Hurry up!Or we won't (c ) the early bus.Have you ever heard these (h ) They were very brave.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 09:56:21

英语 在括号内填上一个适合的完整的单词 该词首字母已给My little brother fell off a tree and (h ) his leg.Hurry up!Or we won't (c ) the early bus.Have you ever heard these (h ) They were very brave.
英语 在括号内填上一个适合的完整的单词 该词首字母已给
My little brother fell off a tree and (h ) his leg.
Hurry up!Or we won't (c ) the early bus.
Have you ever heard these (h ) They were very brave.

英语 在括号内填上一个适合的完整的单词 该词首字母已给My little brother fell off a tree and (h ) his leg.Hurry up!Or we won't (c ) the early bus.Have you ever heard these (h ) They were very brave.

英语 在括号内填上一个适合的完整的单词 该词首字母已给My little brother fell off a tree and (h ) his leg.Hurry up!Or we won't (c ) the early bus.Have you ever heard these (h ) They were very brave. 将括号内的单词更换一个字母变成新词,填在横线上,使句意完整 在下列各句的空格内填上一个适当的完整的单词,该句的首字母已给出 We should pay more a________ to ourliving environment 请在括号里填上一个2个字母的单词:What's ( ) TV tonight? 将括号内的单词更换一个字母,组成新词,填在横线上,使句意完整.Santa is _______(run) 观察右图,在下面的括号内填上一个字母,使等式成立. 在下列各句的空格内填上一个适当的完整的单词,该词的首字母已给出.(括号前的字母是这个单词的首字母)To keep the s() peaceful,everybody is supposed to obey the law.However,the extra money from the part-time j 急,初三英语单词填空在下列各句的空格内填上一个适合的完整的单词,该词的首字母已给出.I like drawing very much.What i_________ you?We know water can be used for m________ electricity. 将你听到的单词填在题前括号内,用英语怎么说 在圆圈内填上一个适合的字,把它和方框里的字组合起来分别组成十个字,填写在方框下面的括号里.从,一,口,寸,火,又,广,日,月,莫. 请将括号内的单词更换一个字母.组成另一个新单词,填在横线上,使句子完整.(thank)I it's mine. ( )的口碑 在括号里填上一个合适的词语 ( )的口碑 在括号里填上一个合适的词 在括号里填上一个合适的分数 在括号里填上一个适当的分数 请在括号里填上一个6个字母的单词:( )can learn to speak English. 在句中的空格内填上一个适当的完整的单词,该词的首字母已给出I think the s____ in this restaurant is the best.The food there is also good. 问:( ) is your ruler?答:it's yellow.请在括号内填上一个准确的英文单词.急……