请帮我看看You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,请帮我看看“你这个星期六和星期日会回来吗?“英文:“You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,如有请帮我修改一下,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 23:53:50

请帮我看看You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,请帮我看看“你这个星期六和星期日会回来吗?“英文:“You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,如有请帮我修改一下,
请帮我看看You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,
请帮我看看“你这个星期六和星期日会回来吗?“英文:“You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,如有请帮我修改一下,

请帮我看看You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,请帮我看看“你这个星期六和星期日会回来吗?“英文:“You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,如有请帮我修改一下,
首先,句型有误,特殊疑问句疑问词在前,应该是 Will you comme back...
其次,Sunday and Saturday 前缺少动词,应加上 on
整个句型应修改成:Will you come back on this Sunday and Saturday?

请帮我看看You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,请帮我看看“你这个星期六和星期日会回来吗?“英文:“You will come back this Sunday and Saturday?”是否有错,如有请帮我修改一下, If you believe expectations will come true 请各位大侠,上面的话帮我翻译一下? 请帮我看看这是啥意思my love my fate ,you will fate away 两题英语文法 请会的高手帮检查下 看看哪里 不太好 关於从句IF加 now/at the timea.If at the time I had taken your proposal,then I should have been happier.b.He will come if now you invite him.这两题我不理解为什麼错 I'll wait for you to stay for your love will always come back to you I will not abandon you!请帮我翻译一下 3Q! 请帮我看看, 谁帮我看看这句英语什么意思Have you had to come far? 帮我看看这个句子语法对吗?where are you come form?你来自哪里, Pony you must tell yourself you're best.Don't give up in everything.Dream will come true!Harry up!请帮我翻译成中文, Come here next Sunday,won't you?Give me the book,will you?请帮我翻译.好么.它们的不同.谢谢你们了. how 后面跟形容词或副词,但是请帮我看看下面这句话对吗,我觉得要用副词形式呀how complicated will you say 请帮我看看b项为什么错了? 请帮我看看这几道题. 请帮我看看这是啥玉 不懂英语的别瞎说请帮我看看这个句子翻译的对不对 你将会擅长数学you will be good at maths will you forgive my mistake?请帮我翻译 帮我看看一道选择题-----Ted ,tom is here downstairs waiting to meet you.----really I ____he ____ tomorrow.Athought ; would come B had thought ; would come为什么B不行呢 为什么用过去完成时不行呢? years later l will come back and many you wait for me 帮我翻译一下