帮我看看这句子是不是病句,Aunt,you buy me shoes I received,shoes are very nice,thank aunt.With aunt's efforts,I will study harder.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 12:20:54

帮我看看这句子是不是病句,Aunt,you buy me shoes I received,shoes are very nice,thank aunt.With aunt's efforts,I will study harder.
Aunt,you buy me shoes I received,shoes are very nice,thank aunt.With aunt's efforts,I will study harder.

帮我看看这句子是不是病句,Aunt,you buy me shoes I received,shoes are very nice,thank aunt.With aunt's efforts,I will study harder.
有吧时态错误buy 改为bought .shoes应该说a pair of shoes 还有thank aunt没有这样的说法吧我认为扩充一下thanks,my aunt .

Aunt, I have received the shoes you bought for me . The shoes are very nice. thank you. With aunt's efforts, I will study harder.

Aunt,I have received the shoes (which) you bought for me.The shoes are very nice.With your efforts,I will study harder.

是病句,可以改为Aunt ,I received the shoes you buy for me.the shoes are very nice,thank you.
With aunt's efforts,I will study hard

Aunt, I have received the shoes you bought me. They're very nice. Thanks. I'll study harder with your help.

Aunt, I have received the shoes you bougut me ,and they are very nice . With your effort ,I will study hander.

帮我看看这句子是不是病句,Aunt,you buy me shoes I received,shoes are very nice,thank aunt.With aunt's efforts,I will study harder. 帮我看看这是不是陨石 帮我看看这是不是~百山祖冷杉~ 帮我看看这一句话是不是病句?“虽然起义失败了,但是他们虽败犹荣.” 这句话是病句么,我觉得很别扭. 帮我看看这是不是病句~“小丑太逗了,使我们忍俊不禁的笑起来.”是病句吗?错在哪? 帮我看看是不是这样 帮我看看呢,第四题下列句子没有病句的一项,谢谢 那位会西班牙语的帮我看看阿~tu quieres aprender español?yo te ayudo si tu quieres是不是问学没学过西班牙文? 大家帮着看看这个句子是不是病句There is a long interval before he repiled这个句子前面的is是不是应该改成was? 请英语高手帮我看看这句话是不是病句 It's never too late to at any time from the beginning an beautiful life请英语高手帮我看看这句话是不是病句,尤其是“to”、“at”这里,如果是病句,意思是:“美丽的 帮我看看这句是不是病句?自2004年中国移动成为北京2008年奥运会移动通信服务合作伙伴以来,时刻以宣传奥运,弘扬中华为己任是不是病句? 帮我看看这题是不是写错了 请大家帮我看看这是不是陨石 懂德语的帮我看看这是不是德文哦 帮我看看这玛瑙是不是染色的 英文好的帮我看看这是不是牙膏⋯ 帮我看看这句话是不是有问题. 英语翻译这个句子、是不是病句?不是的话、帮我翻译一下