
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:13:07


1.These lamps don't work any more:2 candle lamps,1 spotlight and 1 pendant lamp in the living room; 1 lamp in the guest toilet; 1 tube light in the kitchen; 1 desklamp in the guest bedroom;1 lamp above the bed in the master bedroom.
2.The conduit of the electric toilet on the ground floor is leaking.
3.The shower switch in the master toilet is leaking; No matter either shower switch or the bathtub faucet in the guest toilet is turned on,both will be turned on.
4.The curtain in the master bedroom is sticking.
5.The gas cooker needs a new battery.

1. Two candle lamps, one reflector lamp and one pendant lamp bulb in the parlour are not bright. One light in the bathroom, one downlamp in the kitchen, one desklamp in the guest room, and a light up...


1. Two candle lamps, one reflector lamp and one pendant lamp bulb in the parlour are not bright. One light in the bathroom, one downlamp in the kitchen, one desklamp in the guest room, and a light upper the bed in the master bedroom are not light.

2. The water pipe of electric toilet in the first floor bathroom is leaking.
3. The switch of the shower in the mainbathroom is leaking, and no matter which switch you turn on, the one of shower or bathtub , the water will come out from them at the same time.

4. The windown curtain of master bedroom is stuck.
5.The battery of gas burner should be changed to a new one.


The sitting room 2 candle light, one light

英语翻译中文翻译成英语:1.客厅坏了2只蜡烛灯2.客厅坏了1只射灯3.主卧的窗帘圈坏了4.客厅的2个顶灯坏了5.2581房间要换节能灯 英语翻译中译英;1.一楼大堂旁边的阅览室有只蜡烛灯和几只吊灯灯泡不亮了,七楼桌球房门口有只灯不亮了2.厨房脱排油烟机的灯不亮了3.202室大门口有只灯,客厅有2只蜡烛灯,1只节能灯,几只吊 英语翻译中译英;1.一楼大堂旁边的阅览室有只蜡烛灯和几只吊灯灯泡不亮了,七楼桌球房门口有只灯不亮了2.厨房脱排油烟机的灯不亮了3.202室大门口有只灯,客厅有2只蜡烛灯,1只节能灯,几只吊 英语翻译中译英:1.客厅2只蜡烛灯,1只射灯和1只吊灯灯泡不亮了,次卫1只灯不亮了,厨房1只筒灯不亮了,次卧1只台灯不亮了,主卧的床上方有个灯不亮了2.一楼卫生间的电马桶的水管漏水了3.主 英语翻译中文翻译成英语:1.客厅里射灯2只不亮,蜡烛灯也不亮了2.复式房间内的楼上过道里4个射灯不亮了3.大门用钥匙打不开4.客厅里坏了1只射灯5.客厅里坏了1只蜡烛灯 英语翻译中译英;1.电梯厅的日光灯坏了2.厅里蜡烛灯和射灯各坏了1只3.主卫浴缸漏水了4.客厅坏了几只灯5.厨房的水龙头松动了 英语翻译中译英;1.主卫的排风扇不运转了2.客厅坏3只吊灯的灯泡3.有几个蜡烛灯不亮了 英语翻译中译英:1.101和109各自大门口的走廊上都有1只射灯不亮了,102厨房的筒灯不亮了,次卫1个射灯不亮了,客厅2只射灯和1只蜡烛灯坏了2.B2层的橱窗里的广告纸脱落了3.客厅墙纸的角翘起来 英语翻译中文翻译成英语:1.客厅的台灯坏了2.次卫的排风扇不转了3.客厅的射灯和蜡烛灯不亮了4.房间里煤气的气味很重5.客厅的吊灯灯泡坏了2只 英语翻译中译英:1.七楼货梯厅有4只灯不亮了2.客厅里蜡烛灯和射灯各坏了1只,次卫射灯也坏了1只3.主卫天花板上发出哗哗的水声很响,是不是楼上漏水了?4.进门后的玄关有个灯和主卫1个灯都 英语翻译中译英:1.右边的煤气点不着了,要找外面的专业师傅来修理2.客厅里有只灯不亮了3.厨房里橱门的铰链坏了4.二楼卫生间里有2只灯,以及卫生间外面的走廊上有1只灯,都坏了5.客厅里有3 英语翻译中译英:1.厨房水斗下的水管漏水了2.主卫的浴缸水龙头和淋浴开关,不管开哪一个,都同时流出水来3.厨房水斗下的水管子脱落了4.客厅吊灯灯泡、蜡烛灯、顶灯各1只坏了,主卧顶灯坏 英语翻译中译英:1.客厅里的射灯不亮了2.客厅里的蜡烛灯不亮了 英语翻译中译英:1.主卧坏了1只台灯2.客厅里的吊灯坏了3.主卫坏了1个灯4.客厅里有个灯坏了5.镜框上的射灯坏了 英语翻译中译英:1.客厅的吊灯和顶灯坏了2.房间里有一股油烟味3.客厅的吊灯坏了2只灯泡4.门铃不响了5.客厅的窗帘拉不动了 英语翻译中译英;1.1楼大堂坏了2只射灯2.卫生间坏了1只灯泡3.客厅坏了1个灯 英语翻译中译英;1.煤气点不着2.花洒坏了3.花洒不出水4.厨房跳电了5.主卫射灯坏1只6.客厅坏2个灯7.换大门的电池8.修门锁 英语翻译中译英:1.一楼客梯厅有2个蜡烛灯不亮了,七楼客梯厅有1个射灯不亮了2.客厅LG牌电视机要调频道,频道要设置到和黑色的节目单上一模一样3.客厅有3个蜡烛灯和1个射灯不亮了4.要组装