
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 21:47:19


Plot summary剧情简介
Jim Hawkins is a young boy who lives at his parents’ sleepy sea-side inn, the Admiral Benbow, near Bristol, England, in the mid-18th century. One day, an old and menacing sea captain referred to as Billy Bones appears and takes a room at the inn. The captain paying "three or four gold pieces" in advance stays for "month after month, so that all the money had been long exhausted". One day, an equally menacing figure named Black Dog arrives at the Inn looking for Bill, and when the two pirates meet, Jim overhears them arguing in the parlour and finally the two begin fighting. Billy wounds Black Dog, but immediately afterwards falls to the ground from a stroke. Bill tells Jim that Black Dog was "a bad 'un" and "mind you, it's my sea chest they're after". He mutters incoherently to Jim about a man named Captain Flint and something he was given the day Flint died at Savannah. Jim's father soon dies, and the day after his funeral a blind pirate, Pew, appears at the inn where he presents the captain with "The Black Spot", a secret pirate message which in this case gives Bones with an ultimatum to be met by ten o'clock that night, on pain of death. The captain dies minutes later of a stroke. Hastily, Jim and his mother unlock Billy’s sea chest (to collect payment for his inn tab; Mrs. Hawkins is determined to take neither more nor less than her due), finding money and a sealed packet inside. Hearing steps outside, they quickly leave with such money as Mrs. Hawkins has managed to count, and Jim snatches the packet as a make-weight since the count is short. They hide while Billy’s pursuers ransack the inn looking for "Flint's fist", but are interrupted: Jim and his Mother had informed the local hamlet of the threat to the inn, and though none of the inhabitants dared come with them, they have sent for help. Soon four or five Revenuers arrive, and Pew is crushed beneath a horse's hooves as his accomplices flee. Most of the other pirates escape in a lugger.
Jim realizes that the contents he has snatched from the sea chest must be valuable, so he takes the packet he has found to some local gentry acquaintances, Dr. Livesey and Squire John Trelawney. They find an account book and a map which they excitedly recognize as a map leading to the fabled treasure of Captain Flint. Trelawney immediately starts planning an expedition. Naïve in his negotiations to outfit his ship, the Hispaniola, Trelawney is tricked into hiring one of Flint’s former mates, Long John Silver as a cook, as well as many of Flint’s old crew. Only the captain and Trelawney's servants -- Hunter, Joyce and Redruth -- are completely trustworthy, but Trelawney has fallen under the charismatic spell of Silver and believes him to be the better man. The ship sets sail for the treasure island with nothing amiss except the seemingly-accidental loss of Mr Arrow, Smollett's first mate, until Jim overhears Silver’s plans for mutiny. Jim tells the captain about Silver and the rest of the rebellious crew. Captain Smollett is vindicated in the eyes of the others and becomes the leader of the "faithful crew".
Landing at the island, Captain Smollett devises a plan to get most of the mutineers off the ship, allowing them leisure time on shore. Without telling his companions, Jim sneaks into the pirates’ boat and goes ashore with them. Frightened of the pirates, Jim runs off alone into the forest. From a hiding place, he witnesses Silver’s murder of a sailor who refuses to join the mutiny. Jim flees deeper into the heart of the island, where he encounters a half-crazed man named Ben Gunn. Ben had once served in Flint’s crew but was marooned alone on the island three years earlier.
Meanwhile, Smollett and his men have gone ashore after persuading one of the would-be mutineers, Abraham Gray, to change sides, and taken shelter in a stockade they found which Flint had built years earlier. Jim returns to the stockade and tells of his encounter with Ben. Silver visits under a white flag of truce and attempts a negotiation with the captain, but Smollett deliberately goads him into a shouting match, knowing that a pirate attack is likely sooner or later and that it may as well be sooner, while it is expected. The pirates attack the stockade within the hour, and are driven off with serious losses, but the captain is wounded and Joyce and Hunter are killed. Eager to take action, Jim follows another whim and deserts his companions, sneaking off to hunt for Ben’s handmade coracle hidden in the woods.
After finding Ben’s boat, Jim sails out to the anchored ship with the intention of cutting it adrift, thereby depriving the pirates of a means of escape. He cuts the rope, but he realizes his small boat has drifted near the pirates’ camp and fears he will be discovered. By chance, the pirates do not spot Jim, and he floats around the island until he catches sight of the ship drifting wildly. Struggling aboard, he discovers that one of the two watchmen left aboard, Israel Hands, has killed the other watchman in a drunken fit and is seriously injured himself. Jim takes control of the ship while Hands feigns helplessness, but Hands then tries to kill him. A fight ensues in which Jim's nimbleness saves him from the wounded pirate, and though Jim is wounded he manages to kill Hands.
Jim returns to the stockade at night not realizing it has since been occupied by the pirates. Silver takes Jim hostage, telling the boy that the captain has given the pirates the treasure map, provisions, and the use of the stockade in exchange for their lives. Silver is having trouble managing his men, who accuse him of treachery. Silver proposes to Jim that they help each other survive by pretending Jim is a hostage. However, the men present Silver with a black spot and inform him that he has been deposed as their commander. In a skilled attempt to gain control of his crew, Silver slyly shows them the treasure map to appease them, narrowly saving Jim's life (and Silver's) from the fickle pirates. Silver is unanimously re-elected as captain, to cries of "Silver!" and "Barbecue forever! Barbecue for cap'n!"
The next day Silver leads Jim and the last five pirates to the treasure site, but they are shocked to find it already excavated and the treasure removed except for a few stray coins. The pirates are enraged and ready to kill Silver and Jim once and for all. At that moment Dr. Livesey, Ben Gunn, and Abraham Gray appear from the bushes and fire on the pirate band, killing two and scattering three others throughout the island. Silver at this point has switched sides yet again, and because he saved Jim's life earlier, is accepted warily back into the group.
After spending three days carrying the loot from Ben's cave to the ship, the men prepare to set sail for home. There is a debate about the fate of the remaining mutineers. Despite the three pirates’ pleas, they are left marooned on the island, perhaps a kinder fate than returning them home to the gibbet, and much to the glee of Ben Gunn. Silver is allowed to join the voyage to a nearby Spanish American port, where he sneaks off the ship one night with the help of Ben Gunn carrying a small portion of the treasure and is never heard of again. The voyage home is uneventful.
Squire Trelawney and Doctor Livesey resume their business as usual, despite being thousands of pounds richer. Captain Smollett retires from the sea on his share and lives peacefully in the country. Abraham Gray wisely decides to invest his share in building a career as an honest seaman, and applies himself so well to his trade that he is master and part-owner of a ship of his own by the time Hawkins begins his memoirs. Ben Gunn spends all of his money within nineteen days and soon falls back upon begging. However, he is given a small pension and a lodge to keep by the Squire (exactly the fate he had claimed to detest while still a maroon) and settles into village life, apparently as the local buffoon but generally liked.
Jim Hawkins is able to run the Admiral Benbow on his own, but suffers in a deeper way from his time on the island. "The bar silver and the arms still lie, for all that I know, where Flint buried them ... [but] oxen and wain-ropes would not bring me back again to that accursed island; and the worst dreams that ever I have are when I hear the surf booming about its coasts or start upright in bed with the sharp voice of Captain Flint [Silver's talking parrot] still ringing in my ears: 'Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!'"

介绍(英文)哪个可以帮我把的剧情简单概括一下(要用英文哦).还有说一下你是喜欢这本书还是不喜欢,写的时候语法一定要简单一点.用高1的水平写就好!写的好的话,我绝对另外给分. 越狱的简单英文介绍越狱的简单英文介绍.口语的.介绍人物和剧情. 用英文简单地介绍《后天》的剧情 英文版电影评价谁帮我找一个比较有名的中外电影的英文版评价?200字左右吧..具体简单介绍电影剧情和主角介绍,最后一点感想.. 求一些关于鲁鲁修的英文介绍剧情介绍,人物介绍,名词介绍.都可以,急用! 越狱的简单英文介绍.口语的.介绍人物和剧情. 越狱的简单英文介绍.口语的.介绍人物和剧情. 简爱 英文的剧情介绍要英文的啊!我要的是剧情介绍!要短的越短越好 求the rock的英文剧情介绍 谁能把冲出亚马逊2的剧情简单介绍一下? 谁可以帮我把《水浒传》做个简单的概括.谁可以帮我把《水浒传》做个简单的概括,就是把起义原因及结果,还有108位好汉的事迹概括还有每位好汉的绰号和性格都简单说下.还有《水浒传》的 速度与激情5英文介绍抱歉~我要的是剧情介绍,简短就行拉 云图的剧情介绍 六个故事都要介绍不要太短太简单 要全英文最好加上中文翻译! 哪个帮我做个简单的关于法国建筑风格的英汉PPT嘛,随便简单的几句英语概括下罗曼式、哥特式、和法国建筑风格的介绍稿子 有没有英文的电影剧情介绍?我想要中任意一个电影的英文简介~ 谁可以帮我写一篇简单的英文求职信 我需要万圣节的英文介绍,不要多的,简单介绍下就可以了. 我想要的英语剧情概括啊`只要大概意思就可以拉..谢谢啊