英语翻译..翻译下如果翻译的好有追加分!There is a lake near a forest in Sweden.The water in the lake is very clear and everything is quiet and still.On the far side of the water is some farmland and further away,across the field,is an

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 16:22:49

英语翻译..翻译下如果翻译的好有追加分!There is a lake near a forest in Sweden.The water in the lake is very clear and everything is quiet and still.On the far side of the water is some farmland and further away,across the field,is an
There is a lake near a forest in Sweden.The water in the lake is very clear and everything is quiet and still.On the far side of the water is some farmland and further away,across the field,is an old church built on a hill.It is springtime and it has just stopped raining.The stream flowingsintosthe lake is full and there is some half-melted snow from last winter on the ground.
The reason the water is so clear,and everything is so quiet and still,is that most of the plants and animals live in and around the lake are dead.There are no birds because all the fish and insects,which the birds need for food,have disappeared.Many trees in the forest are losing their leaves and bark(树皮),and are sick and dying.Others were blown down by the high winds of last winter.A farmer is working in a field planting wheat,but unless he plants a stronger kind of seed this year,the crop will be between 25 to 40 percent lower than a few years ago.The stone of the old church tower is turning to powder and unless the tower is repaired soon,it will fall down.
All the death and destruction in this place is due to pollution:pollution from smoke coming out of the factory chimneys and fumes coming out of the exhausts(废气)of cars and trucks.And yet this silent lake is hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest factory and motorway.
5.Why are there no birds?
A.Because they have eaten up all the fish and insects.
B.Because fish and insects have been eaten up by other animals.
C.Because they have changed their eating habits.
D.Because fish and insects there have disappeared.
6.Many of the trees in the forest ______________.
A.are cut down by the farmers
B.need more water
C.were blown down by the wind
D.were burned down in the fire
7.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The farmer can get a good harvest unless he plants a stronger kind of seed.
B.If the farmer works harder this year,he will get in more corps.
C.The crop may not be lower if the farmer plants a stronger kind of seed this year.
D.The crop won t be lower unless the farmer plants a stronger kind of seed this year.
8.The writer tries to tell us that ___________.
A.there is a clear and quiet lake near a forest in Sweden
B.the pollution has done great harm to the surroundings
C.the farmer should try to plant s stronger kind of seed this year
D.the lake is hundreds of kilometers from the factories and motorway

英语翻译..翻译下如果翻译的好有追加分!There is a lake near a forest in Sweden.The water in the lake is very clear and everything is quiet and still.On the far side of the water is some farmland and further away,across the field,is an
之所以说水是那么清楚,一切是那么安静,仍然是,大部分的植物和动物的生活和周围湖死了.有没有鸟,因为所有的鱼类和昆虫,鸟类,为有需要的食品,已经消失.很多树木,在森林里正在失去其树叶和树皮(树皮) ,并正在生病和死亡.其他人被炸死,由高风速去年冬天.一个农民,是工作在田间种植小麦,但除非他的植物强种的种子,这一年里,作物将介乎25至40 % ,低于前几年.石头的老教堂塔仰慕粉及除非塔修复不久,它就会摔下来.

有在瑞典的森林附近的一个湖。在湖的水非常清楚,而且每件事物是安静而且安静。在水的远边上是一些农地而且更进一步离开,在整个领域,是在一个小山上建造的旧的教堂。 它是春天,而且它才停止下雨。 水流 flowingsintosthe 湖是充满的,而且有一些一半-从去年冬天起在地面上融化了雪。
理由水如此清楚,而且每件事物是如此安静而静止的, 是那大部份的植物和动物...


有在瑞典的森林附近的一个湖。在湖的水非常清楚,而且每件事物是安静而且安静。在水的远边上是一些农地而且更进一步离开,在整个领域,是在一个小山上建造的旧的教堂。 它是春天,而且它才停止下雨。 水流 flowingsintosthe 湖是充满的,而且有一些一半-从去年冬天起在地面上融化了雪。
理由水如此清楚,而且每件事物是如此安静而静止的, 是那大部份的植物和动物


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