英语翻译lift这个词,当动词讲是 举起 的意思,当名词时 是 搭便车的意思 如果你想表达 我想搭便车 动词 应该用 take.take a lift,这和搭公交车还有打的用的是一个动词.take a bus /taxi/lift.如果是表

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:12:23

英语翻译lift这个词,当动词讲是 举起 的意思,当名词时 是 搭便车的意思 如果你想表达 我想搭便车 动词 应该用 take.take a lift,这和搭公交车还有打的用的是一个动词.take a bus /taxi/lift.如果是表
lift这个词,当动词讲是 举起 的意思,当名词时 是 搭便车的意思 如果你想表达 我想搭便车 动词 应该用 take.take a lift,这和搭公交车还有打的用的是一个动词.take a bus /taxi/lift.如果是表达 让某人搭便车,用这个短语“give sb a lift” 在一些电影里 还常常会看到"thumb lift”这个词,这是搭便车的一种形式,拇指便车,其实是一种body language.当你看到一个人站在马路边晃动着大拇指指着他要去的方向,那他就是表示 “he wants to take a lift” 在中国,搭陌生人便车很少见,但是在英美国家,尤其是像澳大利亚这样国家范围大,人口又稀少的国家里,经常有搭便车的情况.一旦你一个东西坏了或者在荒无人烟和交通的地方,就需要搭便车了.当然,随着现在社会越来越不安定,搭便车的人也少了,因为首先司机要考虑你是什么人,你也要想想开车的人是怎样的人?
翻译上面这一大段话 全英语课堂讲课时候用的。哎

英语翻译lift这个词,当动词讲是 举起 的意思,当名词时 是 搭便车的意思 如果你想表达 我想搭便车 动词 应该用 take.take a lift,这和搭公交车还有打的用的是一个动词.take a bus /taxi/lift.如果是表
The word lift means to raise when used as a verb,and free-rider as a noun.So if you want to express I need/want a free-rider,then use take to make a complete expression.And it's the same in the phases to take a bus or taxi.
If you'd like to express to give sb. a free-ride ,you can use to give sb. a lift.Thumb lift is frequently used in movies as a kind of bodylanguage.When a person waves his or her thumb to some direction ,he or she probably means so(he wants to take a lift.).It's rare to give a lift to someone unfamiliar,but it's quiet usual in UK and US ,especially in a country like Austrialia with vast land and few people.Once your car breaks down or you are lost in the deserted land ,you'll need a lift.
Taking the unrest social environment into account,free-ride becomes rarer ,because both of them have suspicions.


ift the word, when the meaning of the verb to say what is raised, when the noun when the meaning of free-riding if you want to express my wish to ride the verb should be take. take a lift, and ride bu...


ift the word, when the meaning of the verb to say what is raised, when the noun when the meaning of free-riding if you want to express my wish to ride the verb should be take. take a lift, and ride buses which are playing with is a verb. take a bus / taxi / lift. If it is to express to someone free-riding, using the phrase "give sb a lift" in a number of films also often see the "thumb lift" the word, which is a form of free-riding, thumb bandwagon, in fact, is a kinds of body language. When you see a person standing on the side of the road shaking his thumbs pointing to the direction to go, then he is said "he wants to take a lift" in China, take the ride on a stranger are rare, but in Anglo-American countries, especially in countries such as Australia range, population, and are very few countries, often free-riding situation. Once you have one bad thing or in the deserted and traffic areas, you need a free ride. Of course, as society becomes more unstable now, free-riding were also fewer, because first of all drivers need to consider what you are, you have to think about how people are driving people?仅供参考!






英语翻译lift这个词,当动词讲是 举起 的意思,当名词时 是 搭便车的意思 如果你想表达 我想搭便车 动词 应该用 take.take a lift,这和搭公交车还有打的用的是一个动词.take a bus /taxi/lift.如果是表 英语翻译用英语翻译下面这段话 讲课用:lift这个词,当动词讲是 举起 的意思,当名词时 是 搭便车的意思 如果你想表达 我想搭便车 动词 应该用 take.take a lift,这和搭公交车还有打的用的是一 We got stuck in a lift.lift是举起,提起的意思,在这句中怎么理解? 英语翻译dwarf当动词讲什么意思?能举例说明吗? bear这个词做动词怎么讲 桎梏这个词可以当动词用么? 羁绊这个词当怎么讲?什么意识 系动词stand 请问stand当系动词讲时,是“站立、站着”的意思吗? 英语翻译当什么讲? 英语翻译当什么讲? 是这个夕吗?这个字当什么讲?这个词什么意思有什么典故? 像是face这个词当动词是面对当名词是脸,像这样的词还有哪些? 英语翻译pig puller,sow vacuum lift是怎么翻译呢 短语动词中的词的词性up:lift 举起 climb 爬上 get 起来 stand 站起来 pick 检起 draw 升起 grow 长大 put 举起 send 使上升 rise 升起 look 抬起头 hold 举起 take 拿起 set 建立 短语中up的词性down:cut 砍倒 get mask当动词讲的时候, 像是face这个词当动词是面对当名词是脸,像这样的词还有哪些?只要动词和名词的…… 爱情这个词是动词,形容词还是名词? 有可睦这个词?是怎么讲的?