英语翻译1 我的车快没油了.My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.我如果用这两个句型来翻译是否可以呢?2 请帮我把车加满油3 用过别人的车后,你最好把车加满油,洗干净再归还.4 水桶里面已

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 20:29:00

英语翻译1 我的车快没油了.My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.我如果用这两个句型来翻译是否可以呢?2 请帮我把车加满油3 用过别人的车后,你最好把车加满油,洗干净再归还.4 水桶里面已
1 我的车快没油了.
My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.
2 请帮我把车加满油
3 用过别人的车后,你最好把车加满油,洗干净再归还.
4 水桶里面已经没水了 / 快要没水了,你再换一桶水吧
( 指的是 纯净水 ,水桶,饮水机更换那种)
5 你能帮我们换一桶水吗?( 更换,补充新的一桶水)

英语翻译1 我的车快没油了.My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.我如果用这两个句型来翻译是否可以呢?2 请帮我把车加满油3 用过别人的车后,你最好把车加满油,洗干净再归还.4 水桶里面已
1 我的车快没油了.
1 my car is almost no oil.
My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.
My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.
If I use these two sentences to translate if you can?
Thank you
2 请帮我把车加满油
2 please help me to fill up the car
3 用过别人的车后,你最好把车加满油,洗干净再归还.
3 used other people's car,you'd better put gas in the car,and then returned to wash clean.
4 水桶里面已经没水了 / 快要没水了,你再换一桶水吧
4 buckets and there is no water / almost no water,you can exchange for a bucket of water.
( 指的是 纯净水 ,水桶,饮水机更换那种)
(refers to the pure water bucket,water dispenser,replacing the)
5 你能帮我们换一桶水吗?
5 you can help us in a bucket of water?
( 更换,补充新的一桶水)
(replacing a bucket of water,add new)

1、My car is almost no oil.
2、Please help me to fill up the car.
3、Use other people's car, you'd better put gas in the car, and then returned to wash clean.
4、There is no water in the bucket / almost no water, you can exchange for a bucket of water.
5、Can you help us in a bucket of water?

英语翻译1 我的车快没油了.My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.我如果用这两个句型来翻译是否可以呢?2 请帮我把车加满油3 用过别人的车后,你最好把车加满油,洗干净再归还.4 水桶里面已 英语翻译请问比较准确的英语翻译,应该是:My car,my way还是:My vehicle,my road is my car ready yet?新概念英语翻译为:我的车修好了吗?我理解的意思为:我的车准备好了吗?请问是哪个对? 英语翻译是不是My car needs to repaired 英语翻译take you there in my car I sold my car last Monday这话是不是我在上星期把我自己的轿车给卖了 昨天晚上我乘新车兜风了英文翻译I _ _ _in my new car last night 50 Cent-Get in My Car 中文歌词麻烦帮我翻印一下 50 Cent-Get in My Car的歌词 我觉得这个歌不错谢谢! 英语中的状语和宾语补足语的区别在新概念2上看到1句话 I found a note on my car 这里的on my car 到底是宾补还是状语呢?我的理解 是宾补在note后面加一个be动词则是a note is on my car 确定是宾补.但是 My brother has a car.(改为否定句)怎么改我知道楼下的答案是正确的,但是为什么是 My brother doesn't have a car.而不能改为 My brother hasn't a car. need to do 还是need doing ...我的车需要修理是my car need repairing 还是my car need to be repaired? take you there in my car 为什么用INin my car 用我的车为什么用in?with ,on,AT不行? 英语翻译__________(我妈妈有)a car. 英语翻译注意是三种My father drives a car to work. My car number is 47858的中文翻译 My father will go to Shanghai by car tomorrom的同义句拜托了各位 车没有油了 的英文 my car has____ _____ of oil. my father goes to work by car对by car怎么提问how开头不要以what开头 可让我犯难了)