请帮忙用matlab My telephone rings 12 timeseach week,the calls being randomly distributed among the 7 days.What is theprobability that I get at least one call each day?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:06:13

请帮忙用matlab My telephone rings 12 timeseach week,the calls being randomly distributed among the 7 days.What is theprobability that I get at least one call each day?
My telephone rings 12 times
each week,the calls being randomly distributed among the 7 days.What is the
probability that I get at least one call each day?

请帮忙用matlab My telephone rings 12 timeseach week,the calls being randomly distributed among the 7 days.What is theprobability that I get at least one call each day?
for i = 1:50000
is_included = 1 ;
for j = 1:7
if( sum(u==j)==0 ) %j对应的数字没有包含
is_included = 0 ;
res = [res is_included];


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