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Unit5 Topic2 I feel better now.
Section c (p13-p14) 说课案
1. 功能和地位:
This topic is mainly about giving advice and equal comparison. For this topic it can be related to the daily life and raise the students’ learning interest for they can using English to comfort their classmates and will be helpful to improve their spoken English. It can also train the students’ observation for they have to compare many things.
2. 教学目标: ( Knowledge Object, Ability Object, Sensibility and Value)
①Knowledge Object:
Learn equal comparison : …as … as…; …not as…as…;
Give advice: You’d better…; Why not…; Please…
②Ability Object:
It can train students’ four main skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and at the same time the ability of observation.
③Sensibility and Value:
From the learning tasks, students can learn how to give advice and comfort someone who is in trouble. And it can promote the relationship between the students and make them more helpful and friendly to each other.
3. 教学重点:
To master the main vocabulary: several ;stranger ;fall asleep; be used to;
To master the target language: …as…as…/… not as…as…;
Eg. The people here are not as friendly as you.
I couldn’t fall asleep as usual.
To master the target language: …as…as…/ …not as…as…;
To give advice to people.
1. Five steps of teaching from easy points to difficult points step by step.
2. Task style of teaching: Listening Task, Speaking Task, Reading Task Writing task, Practicing Task.
3.教具:录音机 图片
a. 课堂组织.
Teacher: I greet the students and say “The weather today is colder than yesterday.” Or we can say “The weather yesterday is not as cold as today.” “But I’m as happy as yesterday.” While saying stress the words “than” “as…as”, “not as…as” to attract students’ attention. Then give students a picture (Picture 1). Ask students to look at the picture carefully and compare the two persons in the picture. Students may say “A is taller than B.” Lead the students to use equal comparison “B is not as tall as A.”
After that, ask two students that are of the same age. And I can say “A is as old as B.”
c. 提出本节学习重点 “as…as”/ “…not as…as”. Let the students repeat them several times. I give the students some adjectives and ask them to describe someone’s condition. They can use the adjectives those are given. Give the model for them to follow. “… is as…as…, because…”; “…is not as…as…because…” If some students describe the persons who are in bad mood then I will give them some advice with “You’d better…”
“Why not…” “Please…”etc. Maybe someone would say “A is not as active as yesterday because she caught a cold.” I will say “Why not ask her to see the doctor.” Different students may use different adjectives to describe different persons and I would give them different advice. For this can train students’ ability of observation and how to care for each other. At last I ask students “Do you still remember Beth who comes from a small town to a big city, and she is not as happy as before. Let’s find out what happened to her. And this it can turn to the text 1a in Page13. Present some pictures on the screen and look at them, ask the students to find the differences between the big city and the girl’s hometown.
I may divide the class into four groups and ask them to have a discussion among each group. After that, each group choose a representative to present their views with equal comparison “not as…as” (from Picture2 to picture 6). After that I ask the students to open their books, turn to Page 13 and give them listening task. While listening, find out what happened to Beth. Next, read through the text carefully again and work in groups to give their advice to Beth. And finish 1b. For 1b I will give them several minutes to discuss the advice we should give to Beth. Students organize their own sentences and later ask some students to give their advice in class. At Last share the teacher’s advice with the students.
d. 操练巩固
Use equal comparison “as…as…” “…not as… as…” and comparative
“…than…” Put the examples on the screen for students to follow. Students can join in each group and have a free discussion in pairs and groups in 2a. Through observation and discussion, write down as many sentences as you can. And the representatives read them in class. By discussion students can relate their own ideas from observing and arguing on them. For this students can take part in some communicative practice.
They can think more, understand deeply. And it can train students’ organization ability for they must organize the sentences and read them out. By pair work and group work students can help each other and learn from each other. At the same time the teacher can walk through the class to afford help and give advice. And 2b is a written work. According to 2a and finish the passage about Helen, Celia and Sue. For it I would leave it as a duty report for tomorrow.
e. 反馈总结: At first, revision and leading-in the new grammar. Then, the teacher explains and summarizes the main and difficult points. And next are the practice and consolidation of the target language.
f. 布置作业:
(1) Compare the life today and in old days with “…as…as…” or “…not as… as…”
(2) Review the next section.

Topic2 I feel better now. Section C
A: The weather is colder than yesterday.
= The weather yesterday is not as cold as today.
But I am as happy as yesterday.

Advice for Li Hong
You’d better try your best to fit in the new environment.
Why not make a new friend?
Please try to like the place you are living now.
Why not turn to your teacher or parents for advice?



求一篇初中英语说课搞把我的积分都给你!我是考教师资格证用的,马上要说课考试,报考的是初中英语,还不清楚到时怎么考,模板行么? 谁能帮我写一篇安全伴我行的作文~我把我所有的分都给你..在今天之内~ 答得好我把我全部的钱都给你! 剑桥城市的英文简介!把我所有积分都给你!还有曼谷的! 唉我需要10道关于生活小常识的选择题.4选1.谢谢大伙了.好的话我把我这点积分都给你了 数学程序框图,把我的积分都给你了画出利用二分法,求根号五的近似值的程序框图(精确度0.001) 谁能帮我写一篇安全伴我行的作文~我把我所有的分都给你.在今天之内~一定是今天哦~ 2012年开学第一课观后感,急!老师留的作业,9月2号演,求好心人边看边写一篇.别复制上几年的!谢谢!300字左右就可以了,好的话!我把我的分都给你. 我把我的快乐给你 英文怎么说 “我把我的世界都给你”和“你是我的整个世界”哪句话更好? 急求一篇以“细节决定成败,态度决定高度”为主题的作文,800字左右.只要原创我就把我的分全给你! “今晚 我要把我的一切都给你,做一个真正的女人!” 我想一直守护你,我会把我拥有的一切都给你!英语怎么说 英语 翻一下 3Q我要把我全部的哎都给你 让你幸福 求一篇关于内蒙美食的英文介绍,急关于烤全羊,焖面,莜面等的英文介绍,每种食物两三行就行,不要涮羊肉的,我要作一篇关于这个问题的英文PPT,需要一些素材,我把我所有分都给你了····虽然 以【环保与我】为题的初中作文.急需一篇环保与我的作文,ps:不要在百度里搜,我全都看过了,不合适.所以积分都给你,不够的话我积够了再给你. 求有关经济危机的英语作文越多越好~考试用的~不要给我太复杂的!谁能帮我写一篇经济危机对中国的影响的英语作文明天下午之前写好,我把我所有的分都给你!我真的急用! 急求有关孤独的英语小短文短文就是写跟孤独有关的,我把我剩下的所有积分都送出去哈~