
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:04:13


My country, I'm proud of you
The name China, deeply engraved in my mind. I don't know how many winter passed, I do not know after how many summer, don't know how many setbacks, under I do not know to share the joy of how many, we set up this beautiful, strong ZuGuoCai today.
I am very proud, because I am a Chinese people. China in the past, is so weak, always bullied by other countries, known as "the sick man of Asia". Now China, and produced a striking contrast in China, before is so powerful, over many countries, invincible.
In the children's view, no matter how many months in China, how many years, how many centuries, her face will never be vicissitudes of life, not aging, but always so handsome, so beautiful, so happy. When old people filed their motherland, rippling every wrinkle in the happy, lies a hope. Is not only the Chinese very admiration for his own country, even foreigners admire China, all want to look on her face, opened its veil of mystery. Although China is very strong, but not overbearing, bullying.
During the long history of China in one thousand, out of the many great men, such as: MAO zedong, zhou enlai, deng xiaoping, zhu DE, liu shaoqi, etc. Their culture and construction of the motherland have made a great contribution. As a Chinese, is I this life the biggest pleasure, just said the growth of those great men, cannot leave the culture of the motherland.
The motherland of the Great Wall, a symbol of your wisdom and power; The five-star red flag of the motherland, a symbol of your sons and daughters of the unity and prosperity; Construction of the motherland, a symbol of your prosperous and strong. In the evening, quiet dark blue is weaving the sky gradually, the moon in the sky, their homeland as the day, is still so busy and busy. The stars in the sky and the moon silently watching, also the proud of China.
When the five-star red flag rising, everyone watching it silently, because it is a symbol of you, everyone stopped their hurried footsteps, stopped his happy to play, watching it. Here, again, my homeland, I'm proud of you!

英语翻译其实就是国庆的作文啦,但是绝对不能是写事的,能长一点更好,带有翻译的话我绝对加分!靠你们了,老师们,一定要帮我, 迎双节的作文开头怎么写?只有开头!帮帮忙啦~~~~~~~~~~~只有开头!帮帮忙啦~~~~~~~~~~~“双节”就是国庆和中秋! 答的好再加50分其实不难,就是国庆几天旅游作业赶不完了,准确率高一点, 我其实也想写好作文的啦!所以我就拿写作文题目来写,但我一见作文题目,我就想逃,就是不写,心里感到挺害怕的,我该怎样克服害怕写作文呢? 英语翻译其实就是一首歌的歌名 英语翻译RT其实Senior engineer我也知道的啦 英语翻译其实我就是想用看起来眼前一亮的这种,cherish不对么 英语翻译请译成通俗的中文,其实我就是不知道ten这里是什么意思 英语翻译绝对不骗人 国庆阅兵式文章就是描写阅兵式的文章啦~国庆六十周年的,五百字左右,明早要, 国庆的 作文 大概就是歌颂祖国的 600字左右 英语翻译关于 国庆的 英语翻译其实就是介绍荆州啦,重点介绍他在三国时期的地理位子的重要性就好.本人英语不够好,希望强人相助, 求初中作文的题材啊,主题是“我的妈妈”,题目可以自拟要求是典型但是新颖,还要深刻(其实就是突出母爱啦),不用整篇作文,只要给我一个主题就可以了,我会自己补充的, 英语翻译就是星座的啦篇课文 英语翻译就是加菲的英文名啦 心目中未来的海洋 作文400字左右 要贴合苏教版语文第13课 海洋——21世纪的希望 其实就是它的课后习题啦、 国庆假期的作文