
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 02:12:38


We all have confidence in him and we belive that he'll be back.I guess he is not feeling good now because he is such a basketball guy and enjoys the competition.
He is confident now and wants to come back.Whatever his final decision is,however,it will be worthy of blessing.After all,he is,not one of,but the best basketball player in China.

We are very confident to him, expect him to come back. Now, I think his mood must be very bad he is so love basketball, like competition.
He is now confident that he wanted to return, but whatever he finally choose what, all is worth a blessing of decision, because in China, he is the greatest basketball player, no one.

We all have faith in him and hope he could come back. Now, I think he must have a bad mood. But he loves basketball so much and competition as well.
He is very confident now, and wants to come bac...


We all have faith in him and hope he could come back. Now, I think he must have a bad mood. But he loves basketball so much and competition as well.
He is very confident now, and wants to come back. No matter what he will choose in the last, it will be a decision to be blessed. Because he is not one of the greatest.but the greatest basketball player in China.


We are to him with a lot of confidence, expect him to come back. Now, I think his mood must be very bad he is very love basketball, like very much competition.
He now has a lot of confidence, he ...


We are to him with a lot of confidence, expect him to come back. Now, I think his mood must be very bad he is very love basketball, like very much competition.
He now has a lot of confidence, he is looking forward to return, but no matter how he finally make a choice, all is worth a blessing of decision, because in China, he is the greatest basketball player, no one.


会汉译英的进,我们都对他很有信心,期待他能够回来.现在,我觉得他的心情一定非常不好他是那么热爱篮球,喜欢竞争.他现在很有信心,他想回来,但无论他最后选择什么,都是一个值得祝福的决 “但是你应该对他有信心”的英语怎么说 英语翻译:他对于成功很有信心(confident)因为他对于自己的英语水平很有自信(confidence) 我很期待他未来的表现 用英语怎么说 英语翻译1 会议被取消了,这正是我们所期待的.2 我们都知道,太阳从东方升起.3 他被抓去坐牢了,这消息传遍了全村.4 第二天下雨了,这正是我们所不希望的.5 他学习很好,这让他父母很满意.6 众 男的说谎话有几种可能?他有和我做朋友的权利和不爱我的权利,只要他幸福,我可以放弃他,离开他,可为什么还要编假话来骗我呢!还要我对他有信心,还说:爱我,我说:我和他很像朋友,我问他: 对xing有一定了解的男生!求助求助啊!我男朋友,是处男,他会自谓,并且对自己很有信心的.刚开始我没让他和我做.他的那个真的很想,他还说憋得好辛苦,所以那天晚上明明我就在他身旁,但因为 令他感到很高兴的是,他期待的一天终于来了 英语翻译 英语翻译我的历史老师.他讲课我们听的很认真 而且我们都听的懂 .虽然他上课时很严肃,但是课后对我们很和蔼.并且他也是一个耐心的老师 .我们班的学生都很喜欢他.再加几句:他还是一个有 他什么都不期待英文翻译 要用一般过去时 用英语翻译:他说我擅长演讲,并鼓励我对自己有信心 父母的爱让他很有信心.His parents' love helped him to _____ _____ _______ _______. 换了个物理老师,成绩突然变差首先,我对我的物理成绩很有信心,以前成绩都是很优秀的.其次,我换了都一学期时间了,一次都没考好过.但很其怪,他有事,原来老师代课,那次我考得很好,原老师 对自己有信心的来 我们都喜欢他的幽默感 英语翻译 1你能想象得出他是多么紧张,可他的朋友都报有信心.汉译英2你能想象得出他是多么的兴奋,可他的父母都...1你能想象得出他是多么紧张,可他的朋友都报有信心.汉译英2你能想象得出他是多么 英语翻译1 你给我们的感觉是缺乏自信心和意志力,这样你只会永远懦弱2 他每天上班总是无精打采,工作也很不称职3 他做事果断,对人友好,能胜任这份工作4 我对你有信心,你要用出色的成绩证 我们都讨厌他.这里的“我们都”是什么意思?