
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:20:34


Salesclerk:- Can I help you?
Customer:- I would like to buy a coat for my son.
S:What size?
C:Size 5.
S:How about the blue one?
C:Oh.I want a green one.
S:huh.Let me see.
S:The green one.
C:well,how much is it
S:20 dollars.
C:well,I'll take it .
S:Thank you!

sales clerk: Good morning, can I help you?
I: Yes, I need a pair of shoes.
S: What size do you need?
I: 37
S: what color do you like?
I: Green please.
S: Sorry, we don't have g...


sales clerk: Good morning, can I help you?
I: Yes, I need a pair of shoes.
S: What size do you need?
I: 37
S: what color do you like?
I: Green please.
S: Sorry, we don't have green, Is red ok?
I : No, I don't like red.
S: What about this pair of shoes? there have green ones.
I: Ok, I will take this pair.


Buying Things 买东西
一、 Dialogue 对话
A: How much does that pen cost?
B: It costs ten dollars
A: That’s very expensive. Do you have anything cheaper?
B: Sure. This pen is only two...


Buying Things 买东西
一、 Dialogue 对话
A: How much does that pen cost?
B: It costs ten dollars
A: That’s very expensive. Do you have anything cheaper?
B: Sure. This pen is only two dollars.
A: Good. I’ll take it.
A: How much is this book?
B: It’s seven dollars.
A: do you have a change for a hundred?
B: No problem.
A: Here is the money.
B: Thank you. Here’s the book and your change


SA (shop assistant) I
SA:What can I do for you , sir ?
I:Yeah, I want to buy a sweater.
SA:what color would you like ?
I:I'd prefer blue .Do you have any red sweater .


SA (shop assistant) I
SA:What can I do for you , sir ?
I:Yeah, I want to buy a sweater.
SA:what color would you like ?
I:I'd prefer blue .Do you have any red sweater .
SA:Yes,let me show you some.How do you like this one ?
I:Em...it's a little small,I think.
SA:How about this one ?
I:Oh,perfect! How much is it ?
SA:200 yuan
I:OK,I'll take it .


A:Can I help you?
B: Yes, I'd like something to eat.
A:OK, We have milk and bread, hamburgers and sausages,what would you like?
B:Oh, I don't like junk food, they are unhealthy. A glass of milk and some bread, please.
A: Ok, anything else?
B: No, thank you.
A:Well, 20$.
B:Ok, here you are.

写一篇关于我和店员买东西对话?用英语要加上我不喜欢什么? 英语买东西对话用6句完成对话 人物:我和店员 场景:买面包 用一般将来时写对话 关于买东西的英语对话(6人的)好的话我有赏!关于买东西的6人对话!售货员和买东西的人要分明!对话要有5分钟! 店员和顾客 英语对话带翻译 用英文写一篇两个人买东西讨价还价的对话 关于买东西的英语对话要6句以上!希望尽早答复我! 谁能帮我写一篇关于打赌的三人英语对话, 要一个关于“买东西”的英语对话……2人对话3分钟左右 我去商店买东西,比如牛奶,苹果鸡蛋什么的,要用英语写出我和售货员的对话,要写出千克价钱,至少50个词 求一篇初中水平的关于买东西的英文对话 编一个买东西的对话 用英语 用英文写一篇两个人买东西讨价还价的对话 一般水平的谢谢 个位 用英语写一段对话,内容如下:假如你和你的母亲一起去商店买东西,你也恰巧要买一件外衣,请你根据这一情景编一段不少于5个句子的对话 一篇关于医生和病人的英语对话,加翻译,80字左右就好,急急急! 英语关于买东西对话(六人的)谢谢啦 怎么写有关英语邀请生日派对对话?我不会用英语写一篇关于邀请朋友参加我的生日派对的对话作文,请帮我写一篇范例! 怎样写一篇关于英语学习的英语情景对话 谁能帮我写一篇关于Men and Women's Prejudices3人对话英语文章啊?3人对话哦...