1.A:___ ___hamburgers do you___ ___breakfast?B:Only one.2.A:___ ___does Ben ___ ___ ___ B:It's his favorite.He does it every day.3.A:How often do you ___ ___ ___?B:I do it five ___ a week.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 19:39:16

1.A:___ ___hamburgers do you___ ___breakfast?B:Only one.2.A:___ ___does Ben ___ ___ ___ B:It's his favorite.He does it every day.3.A:How often do you ___ ___ ___?B:I do it five ___ a week.
1.A:___ ___hamburgers do you___ ___breakfast?B:Only one.
2.A:___ ___does Ben ___ ___ ___ B:It's his favorite.He does it every day.
3.A:How often do you ___ ___ ___?B:I do it five ___ a week.

1.A:___ ___hamburgers do you___ ___breakfast?B:Only one.2.A:___ ___does Ben ___ ___ ___ B:It's his favorite.He does it every day.3.A:How often do you ___ ___ ___?B:I do it five ___ a week.
1、How many--eat--at.hamburger是可数名词,所以在问“多少”的时候要用how many;从句意看,需要一个表示“吃”的动词,所以用eat;at breakfast为固定用法.
2、How often--take a walk.这个内容有点自由发挥的成分,从回答的内容“这是他最喜欢的,他每天都做”看,应该是要问某动作发生的频率,所以用how often,问句句意为“Ben多久去散步一次?”
3、Clean your room--times.本句也意在考某动作发生的频率,具体什么动作可自由发挥,三个单词组成即可,所以我用了clean your room,问句意为“你多久打扫一次房间?”;回答为“每周打扫五次”,所以后面一空应该为times.

1,how many want for
2,how often play the piano
3, times

第一题 根据答案可以知道,这里是提问数字的,因为hamburgers是可数名词,因此用How many,至于后面两个空,其实有很多填法,可以用eat at,这里问的就是一个平常发生的状况“你平时早饭吃几个汉堡包?”,回答是“只吃一个”,说的通。但是本人觉得,用“want for”或者“like for”更好,这里问“你早饭想要几个汉堡包?”,回答“一个就够了”。
第二题 从答案中可以看...


第一题 根据答案可以知道,这里是提问数字的,因为hamburgers是可数名词,因此用How many,至于后面两个空,其实有很多填法,可以用eat at,这里问的就是一个平常发生的状况“你平时早饭吃几个汉堡包?”,回答是“只吃一个”,说的通。但是本人觉得,用“want for”或者“like for”更好,这里问“你早饭想要几个汉堡包?”,回答“一个就够了”。
第二题 从答案中可以看出,提问的是频率,频率要用How often。至于后面三个空,很开放,只要写一下做的事情就好了,但从favorite可以看出,这件事情非常有趣,可以像楼上说的用play the piano,也可以用play computer games,我觉得也不错。
第三题 从提问中的频率可以看,这里用times作为回答比较好。至于提问中的问题,可以写一些常做的事情。比如do some cleaning,go to supermarket,诸如此类,都可以。


英语:把词补充完整1. ___ ___ t___ ___2. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ a ___ ___ ___ ___3. ___ ___ ___ g4. ___ ___ t5. ___ e ___ ___ ___ ___ ___6. ___ ___ l7. ___ ___ ___ e8. ___ ___ ___ o ___ ___ ___9. ___ n ___ ___ ___ ___ 1.改变摩擦 增大:a.___ 例如___ b.___ 例如___ 减小:a.___ 例如___ b.___ 例如___ c.___ 例1.改变摩擦 增大:a._________________例如____________________b._________________例如____________________减小:a._________________ 英语翻译1.We are busy ___(听) English.2.请不要和他开玩笑.Please don't ___ ___ ___ ___ him3.我们家总是在新年举行宴会.My family always ___ ___ a ___ on Chinese New year. ①山脉:A ___ B ___ C ___ D ___ ①山脉:A ___ B ___ C ___ D ___ 英语翻译1.The balloon fell on a nail,it ___ ___(突然爆发),and it frightened us a lot.2.He was absent today.Do you know ___ ___ ___ ___(他出什么事了)?3.I have no money ___ ___(买)this computer.You can have him ___(买)it.4.He is ___ ___ You've done a good job.改为感叹句___ ___ ___ job ___ ___ ___! 把对话补充完整.1.A:Oh,so ___ chocolates.B:___ ___ chocolates are there?A:There are fifteen.B:No,You're not ___.There are fourteen.A:I'm sorry.B:Let's ___ them ___.A:OK.One ___ you and one for me….2.A:Mum,___ hungry.___ there any eggs in the 英语:把词补充完整1.___ ___l___2.___ ___ ___c3.___e___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1.I had a high fever last night.对had a high fever提问 What ___ ___ ___ ___ last night? 1.A:___ ___hamburgers do you___ ___breakfast?B:Only one.2.A:___ ___does Ben ___ ___ ___ B:It's his favorite.He does it every day.3.A:How often do you ___ ___ ___?B:I do it five ___ a week. 按提示改写句子.1.i am kicking a ball.she ___ ___ a ball.2.she goes to school on foot .(现在进行时) she ___ ___ to school on foot.3.i am riding a bike.what ___ you ___?4.i like shopping .what ___ you ___ ___?5.betty has some cookies.what 同义句转换:1.Must we hand in our homework tomorrow morning?___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___tomorrow morning同义句转换:1.Must we hand in our homework tomorrow morning?___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___tomorrow morning?2.The boys in Class 1 didn't have a party . 初二上英语 同义句转换 急,我在做作业!1.Kate is twelve years old.Tom is ten. Kate ___ ___ ___ Tom.2.Lucy is quiet.Lily is quiet,too. ___ ___ ___ ___ are quiet.3.She has a black bag.Her sister has one,too. She has ___ ___ bag ___ h 1.You can become a ___ ___ children who will ___ ___ ___ you.(你将成为崇拜你的小孩子的偶像) 2.I just want to ___ ___ ___ the date for next party .(我只是想提醒他下次联欢会的日期) 3.Can you ___ ___(组成) some sen 1.说实话,我认为那电影不怎么样.To tell the truth,I ___ ___ ___ ___ the movie.2.Enough ____(say) on how to learn a foreign language. 1.Tell him ___(call me)when you meet him,please.2.电视机坏了,我们需要买台新的.There's something wrong___ ___ ___ ___,so we need to buy a ___ ___. 元音音素字母发音归类a:___ ___ ___e:___ ___ __写出八个i:___ o:___u:___ ___