我的大学计划 英汉互译的 我们大一考口于用的

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我的大学计划 英汉互译的 我们大一考口于用的
我的大学计划 英汉互译的 我们大一考口于用的

我的大学计划 英汉互译的 我们大一考口于用的
大学是人一生中最为关键的阶段.从入学的第一天起,我就应当对大学四年有一个正确的认识和规划.为了在学习中享受到最大的快乐,为了在毕业时找到自己最喜爱的工作,我觉得每一个刚进入大学校园的人都应当掌握七项学习:学习自修之道、基础知识、实践贯通、兴趣培养、积极主动、掌控时间、为人处事.只要做好了这七点,我们临到毕业时的最大收获就绝不会是“对什么都没有的忍耐和适应”,而应当是“对什么都可以有的自信和渴望”.只要做好了这七点,我们就能成为一个有潜力、有思想、有价值、有前途的快乐的毕业生.University in one's life most crucial stage. From the entrance of the first day, I ought to the university for four years with a correct understanding and planning. In order to study enjoy maximal happy, in order to find the graduate of their favorite job, I think every just entering college campus people should grasp seven studies: learning studies independently the road, basic knowledge, practice links up, development of interest and initiative, control time, mannered. As long as you take this seven, we come upon graduation largest harvest would never is "to what had no patience and adaptation, and should be" to what can be some confidence and desire ". As long as you take this seven, and we will be a potential, thinking, valuable, promising happy graduates.
我们 许多大学生入校时都是第一次离开父母,离开自己生长的环境.进入校园开始集体生活后,如何与同学、朋友以及社团的同事相处就成为了大学生学习内容的一部分.大学是大家最后一次可以在相对宽松的环境中学习、培养、训练如何与人相处的机会.在未来,人们在社会里、在工作中与人相处的能力会变得越来越重要,甚至超过了工作本身.所以,大学生要好好把握机会,培养自己的交流意识和团队精神.Many of our students the timing will be the first to leave my parents, but left their own growth environment. Enter the campus collective life, how does begin with classmates and friends and corporate colleagues became part of college students' learning contents. University is everybody last may in relatively loose study environment, training, training how to get along with people of opportunities. In the future, people in society, in the work the ability to get along with people will become more and more important, even more than the job itself. Therefore, college students should take the chance to communicate, cultivate your own consciousness and team spirit.
恩 你有选择的看看背背就行 不用太长了也!自己翻译的哟 希望你能有个好成绩 加油!