
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/10 09:43:02


Wind power as a kind of renewable energy has wide utilization foreground. Wind power in China late start, and quick development throughout the world development wind power is very uneven, technology USES have high low, attention is not the same. Because the world energy crisis is more and more serious, wind power aroused people's attention. The current grid type of wind power technology are mainly doubly-fed induction, permanent magnet straight flooding and general asynchronous, three technology. With the traditional way of wind power compared to variable speed constant frequency doubly-fed wind power generation technology has the energy utilization efficiency and power quality good points.
But because doubly-fed wind-driven generator its rotor rotating parts adopt inverter power supply, and rotor for doubly-fed wind-driven generator fault multiple points. Therefore, in order to improve the whole quality of motor power, in the rotor design special process, but which also brings a rotor winding embedding difficulties and so on a series of manufacturing problems.
In this thesis focuses on doubly-fed wind generators' working principle and control principle and wind-driven generator rotor manufacturing processes, and according to the problems such as the first prototype problems appeared in the course of solutions, and on the rotor optimized design, so as to simplify the manufacturing process, improve the production efficiency purpose.

英语翻译风能作为一种可再生的清洁能源具有广阔的利用前景.我国风力发电起步晚,发展快,纵观世界发展风力发电很不均衡,技术利用有高有低,重视程度也不尽相同.由于世界能源危机越来越 英语翻译我们比较常用和熟悉的能源有太阳能,风能,水能和生物能.这些都是可再生的清洁能源. 太阳能.风能.核能,那个不是可再生的能源,为什么? 英语翻译太阳能是以一种可再生的清洁能源,在如今人类面临严重的能源危机的情况下,对太阳能电池的研究有重大意义 天然气沼气都属于可再生的清洁能源吗? 可再生的能源 请问风能、太阳能是纯清洁能源吗?我们原来的课本上都说水力发电是可再生清洁能源,现在我们知道,建设大坝会破坏生态平衡等很多东西,我想知道,风能、太阳能对环境是否也有很多负面的 风能为一种可再生的绿色能源,风力发电已被广泛应用,风力发电是将通过风力发电 是氢气还是Ch4具有可燃性 未来可作为清洁能源 可再生的海洋能源 无限的清洁能源 英语翻译 太阳能作为一种清洁能源被人们所利用的方面有哪些,前景怎样? 下面是目前正在利用和开发的部分能源:煤、石油、天然气、太阳能、水能、风能、潮汐能、可燃冰等1、属于不可再生的能源是:2、属于可再生的能源是:紧急, 风能.水能.地热能哪个属于清洁能源? 氢是一种理想的清洁能源 核能是一种清洁的能源吗 核能是一种清洁的能源吗?.. 原子能属可再生的能源?