
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:31:40


Koalas are from Australia.They are about70-80centermeters(厘米)long.They are very cute and friendly,but they are lazy.They have big ears,and they look like a litter bear,but they don't have tail.they fur color(皮毛的颜色)are white and gray.Their limbs(四肢)are very strong.They sleep about 14 hours on one day.They like eating leaves,but they hardly ever(几乎不) drink water.They often in trees
.Koalas are our friends,we all like them!

koala is from Australia- -,,,

I don't know

Koala is a kind of Australia animal .They always lives in the trees and they like eating lives.They are very cute and clever.Most of them are very shy I think ,but some of them are also very outing .But to be honest,all of them are friendly and easygoing,you can easily get on well with them .How great they are!