英语翻译Each Party shall defend,indemnify and hold the other Parties harmless from and against any and all claims,damages,losses,penalties,costs and expenses arising from or related to,any breach by such first Party of such warranty.Such indemnit

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:29:15

英语翻译Each Party shall defend,indemnify and hold the other Parties harmless from and against any and all claims,damages,losses,penalties,costs and expenses arising from or related to,any breach by such first Party of such warranty.Such indemnit
Each Party shall defend,indemnify and hold the other Parties harmless from and against any and all claims,damages,losses,penalties,costs and expenses arising from or related to,any breach by such first Party of such warranty.Such indemnity obligation shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.
The Parties agree that they for the operations under this Agreement shall adopt reasonable policies and procedures specifically to ensure compliance with applicable anti-corruption legislation.
Each Party agrees to (i) maintain adequate internal controls; (ii) accurately,completely and fairly record and report all transactions and dispositions of assets; and (iii) comply with applicable laws.Each Party must rely on the other Parties’ system of internal controls,and on the adequacy of full and unrestricted disclosure of the facts,and of financial and other data regarding the Joint Operations undertaken under this Agreement.No Party is in any way authorized to take any action on behalf of another Party that would result in an inadequate,incomplete or inaccurate recording and reporting of assets,liabilities or any other transaction or disposition,or which would put any of the Parties in violation of obligations or prohibitions under the laws applicable.”

英语翻译Each Party shall defend,indemnify and hold the other Parties harmless from and against any and all claims,damages,losses,penalties,costs and expenses arising from or related to,any breach by such first Party of such warranty.Such indemnit
各方同意: (一)保持适当的内部控制; (二)准确,全面和公正地记录和报告的所有交易和处置资产; (三)遵守适用的法律.每一缔约方必须依靠其他缔约方的内部控制制度,以及是否有足够的充分和不受限制地披露的事实,以及金融和其他数据的联合行动有关本协议下进行的.没有任何缔约方以任何方式授权采取任何行动的另一缔约方的代表说,会导致不充分,不完整或不准确的记录和报告的资产,负债或任何其他交易或处置,或将任何缔约方违反义务或禁止规定适用的法律.

英语翻译Each party agrees to providethe other party with prompt notice of any claim for which indemnification shall be sought hereunder and shall cooperate in all reasonable respects with such party,at such party'sexpense.The indemnifying party s 英语翻译The Party shall always act with the other Party’s relevant contact person and each Party shall inform the other Party of its designated contact person and any change thereof in a timely manner. 英语翻译Each Party (Indemnifying Party) shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the other Party (Indemnified Party) and each of its employees,officers,directors,shareholders and agents (Indemnified Persons) against all claims,demands,action 商务合同each Party shall keep confidential all Improvements that are disclosed by the other Party 英语翻译有四段看不太明白,请帮忙翻译得通顺些.1.Each Party undertakes with the other that it shall during the performance of this Agreement keep and it shall procure that its respective directors and employees keep secret and confi 英语翻译Article 3.5 ExpensesEach Party shall bear all expenses incurred respectively in connection with the execution of this Agreement and performance of its obligations hereunder.However,all expenses incurred by each Party on behalf of or for t 英语翻译The provisions of this Engagement of Work shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. 英语翻译9.This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective successors and permitted assigns (including successive,as well as immediate,successors and assigns) of each party hereto; provided,however,that his Agreemen 英语翻译3.Taxes Each party shall be responsible for its own Value Added Tax,Goods and Services Tax,and/ or any other similar taxes and governmental charges or other deductions (collectively,”Taxes”).All amounts payable by the Company to Samsu 英语翻译(1) Each Party shall treat as confidential the Confidential Information,and adopt and maintain preventive and security measures,as required or suggested by any Applicable Laws and no less than the measures adopted by it for protecting its 英语翻译Each party hereto agrees that no contract or agreement providing for any transaction involving the Purpose shall be deemed to exist between the parties hereto unless and until a final definitive agreement regarding the Purpose has been ex 英语翻译Use.Both Parties shall keep strictly confidential the Confidential Information,and the negotiations and discussions regarding the Contemplated Relationship.Each Party acknowledges that the Confidential Information provided to the other Pa 请帮忙将下段英译汉“Each party shall indemnify the other party for and against any liens issued agaEach party shall indemnify the other party for and against any liens issued against the services,equipment and materials or other goods in co 英语翻译Each Party shall promptly and fully notify the other of any actual,threatened or suspected infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights of the other which comes to the Party’s notice and of any claim by any third party so coming to 英语翻译1,Payment will be through bank of Latvia on terms of 100 % of an advance payment on each party of the Goods.2.Party A allows Party B commission at a rate of 5% of total contract FOB value.The commission fee shall be paid in US Dollars wit 请问Each party shall remain the sole owner of the confidential information disclosed to the other p 英语翻译No modification or waiver of any provision hereof shall be valid unless expressed in writing signed by an authorized representative of each Party,nor shall any valid waiver in any instance or as to any part performance be deemed a waiver 英语翻译Each Party shall defend,indemnify and hold the other Parties harmless from and against any and all claims,damages,losses,penalties,costs and expenses arising from or related to,any breach by such first Party of such warranty.Such indemnit