
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:40:21

⑴ 中国和韩日、欧美钢铁市场形势不一样.我国钢铁产品市场价格虽然不算太好,但总体来说还可以说是产销两旺,企业开工率很高.产品和对原料都有涨价的要求和心理准备.而日韩、欧美钢铁市场都仍在复苏之中,产能利用率低于中国,市场压力比我们大,保持低成本的要求比我们更为强烈;
⑵ 与我国同时存在铁矿石两个市场,两套价格不同,日韩欧美钢铁企业几乎100%依赖长协矿.三巨头和我国谈判,最有力的证据就是我国国内地矿粉市场价和进口现货价显著高于长协价,而我们还不太好反驳.而日韩欧美大钢企不存在这个问题;
⑶ 日韩欧美等大钢企产品以供应下游战略客户为主,期限长,比例高,希望早早锁定成本,尽量采用固定价格.而我国钢铁企业,除个别外,一年以上的长期战略供应合同比例均不大.多数钢铁企业和钢铁产品用户习惯于波动的市场价格.因此,发达国家心目中的理想矿石成本一定低于我们.
1、 以中国财年为合同期(1月1号起执行新年度价);
2、 批量优惠,量大折扣应多;
3、 全国统一价;
4、 中国不“盲目跟进”其他国家的谈判结果.

Available options of bargaining tactics for our side.
The quantity-exchange-lower price strategy
The former negotiating tactic of the Chinese side was to appoint Baosteel to negotiate with the three iron ore mining giants and Australia on behalf of the country’s steel makers. However, the quantity demanded in the negotiation by Baosteel was for own consumption; other steel makers would only follow suit after Baosteel had yielded result from the negotiations. The negotiating representative for the Chinese side this year is still Baosteel; but the bargaining chips in hand are much heavier than in previous years. After a full scale investigation on the required quantity of the country’s steel mills, the China Iron & Steel Association (CISA) has assigned the aggregate quantity to us for the negotiation; the effect of this “total quantity” will definitely be advantageous to the Chinese side.
The strategy of setting no deadline
This year, the basic negotiating principle of the Chinese side is that we will first commence talks with whichever of the three mining giants that can offer the best conditions on the basis of the “total quantity”. We will not set any time limit for a fruitful result. It is always the party with the equable mindset that ultimately prevails in a negotiation; there will be no rigid adherence to the negotiating time frame, when to end the talks will be decided by both parties. If BHP Billiton starts to get anxious earlier than us, that is our chance. Even if there is no conclusion to the talks at the end of June, it will not affect the productions and operations of the major steel mills in the country.
The strategy of discarding previous agreements
One of the main reasons why the Chinese side was kept down by the Australians time and again in the talks was that the CISA never studied the reasonable new pricing formula, and went into the battle hastily without full preparation; of course in this way the odds were against us. In my opinion, if we wish to achieve better results in the talks this time, we must give up the negotiation targets lately set up by the CISA and the agreement reached with BHP. Strategically, we should let Japan and South Korea to agree on a price with BHP first before we step in, this may be most beneficial to us.
⑴ 中国和韩日、欧美钢铁市场形势不一样.我国钢铁产品市场价格虽然不算太好,但总体来说还可以说是产销两旺,企业开工率很高.产品和对原料都有涨价的要求和心理准备.而日韩、欧美钢铁市场都仍在复苏之中,产能利用率低于中国,市场压力比我们大,保持低成本的要求比我们更为强烈;
The main reasons are:
1. The market situations in Japan, South Korea, Europe and the U.S. are different from that of China. Despite the prices of steel products are not very good in the China market, the overall production and sales are considered thriving and the companies’ rate of operation is very high; there are demands as well as mental preparation for price increases in products and raw materials. While the Japan, South Korea, Europe and the U.S. steel markets are still in the course of recovery, their capacity utilizations are lower than China and the market pressures are much heavier, so they have a stronger desire to keep their costing at a minimum.
⑵ 与我国同时存在铁矿石两个市场,两套价格不同,日韩欧美钢铁企业几乎100%依赖长协矿.三巨头和我国谈判,最有力的证据就是我国国内地矿粉市场价和进口现货价显著高于长协价,而我们还不太好反驳.而日韩欧美大钢企不存在这个问题;
2. In China, there are two iron ore markets with two sets of different prices, while the enterprises in Japan, South Korea, Europe and the U.S. almost 100% rely on a long-term supply agreement. In the negotiation between China and the three mining giants, the biggest piece of evidence is the market price of local fine ore and the spot price of imported fine ore are significantly higher than the long-term agreement price, yet we are unable to really refute it; while the major steelmakers in Japan, South Korea, Europe and the U.S. have no such problem.
⑶ 日韩欧美等大钢企产品以供应下游战略客户为主,期限长,比例高,希望早早锁定成本,尽量采用固定价格.而我国钢铁企业,除个别外,一年以上的长期战略供应合同比例均不大.多数钢铁企业和钢铁产品用户习惯于波动的市场价格.因此,发达国家心目中的理想矿石成本一定低于我们.
The major steelmakers in Japan, South Korea, Europe and the U.S. main supply to their downstream strategic clienteles with long term and high proportion; they hope to fix the costs early and try to adopt fixed prices. Other than individual exception, the percentage of long-term strategic supply contracts of more than one year is very small for all the China’s steel enterprises. Most of them and the steel product consumers have become accustomed to the fluctuating market prices. Therefore, the ideal iron ore costing of the developed countries is definitely lower than ours.
Based on the above three reasons, we think that the possibility of China’s steel enterprises getting a price offer lower than the Japan, South Korea, Europe and the U.S. long-term agreement price is basically non-existent. The best tactic would be to communicate with them directly (or stay put), and tell them we will not jostle for first position but are willing to follow up anytime. (During recent exchanges with people in the steel industry, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that most of them happened to hold the same view of “Let Japan and South Korea talk first and then we follow in”). We should not blindly pursue the unrealistic “China style”, instead, we should treat the optimal interest of China’s steel enterprises as the highest standard.
1、 以中国财年为合同期(1月1号起执行新年度价);
2、 批量优惠,量大折扣应多;
3、 全国统一价;
4、 中国不“盲目跟进”其他国家的谈判结果.
The strategy of not setting ultimate bottom line
For the new round of talks concerning the long-term agreement price of iron ore, the Chinese side has four major objectives:
1.The contract period will be based on Chinese fiscal year (the new annual price shall begin from January 1st);
2.Preferential price for batch quantity, more discount for large quantity;
3.One unified price for the whole country;
4.China will not blindly follow other country’s negotiated price.
These four objectives are considered the core elements of “Chinese style” for iron ore. In my opinion, it is acceptable of course if these four items are the negotiable and changeable conditions of offer by the Chinese side; but if they are considered as the immutable bottom line, then it is detrimental to the actual interest of China. There is no unchangeable bottom line, as long as there is still room to extend our benefits, we can by all means let Rio Tinto to raise our ultimate bottom line.
The strategy of magnifying our advantage
Making Rio Tinto to be aware of our advantage during specific negotiation will no doubt give us more superiority. So we must insist on the principles of “large quantity, better price” and “Biggest buyer preferential treatment”.