
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 09:07:42


Step one:chop the dates,about 5-6 dates total
Step two:put a big bowl of water in a pot,add one spoonful of lucid ganoderma powder and the chopped dates,boil for 10 minutes
Step three:after 10 minutes,add a few pieces of lycium (或者boxthorn),boil for an additional 5 minutes.

Step1:to smash 5-6 dates into date purée.
Step2: to boil a bowl of water with a tablespoon ganoderma lucidum powder and the date puree for ten minutes.
Step3: then add a little Chinese wolfberry, and cook for another five minutes.

Step one: the red jujube cut up, about 5-6 stars
Step two: put a large bowl of water pot, and then add a tablespoon ganoderma lucidum powder and cut up after the red jujube, cooking ten minutes.
Step 3: ten minutes, add a little Chinese wolfberry, cook for another five minutes.

Step 1, mince the red dates, about 5 or 6 needed.
Step 2, put a bowl of water in the pot, add a spoon of ganoderma powder and the ninced dates, boil for 10 minutes
Step 3, in ten minutes, put some wolfberries, boil for another 5 minutes

Step 1: the red dates, chopped, about 5-6 pieces
Step 2: a pot of a bowl of water, then add a tablespoon of Ganoderma lucidum powder and chopped dates, and cook for ten minutes.
Step 3: 10 minutes, adding a small amount of wolfberry, and cook for five minutes.

cut in piese

英语翻译把红枣切碎,大概5-6颗锅中放一大碗水,然后加一汤匙灵芝粉和切碎后的红枣,煮十分钟.十分钟后,加入少量枸杞,再煮五分钟. 请把苹果切碎(英语翻译) 英语翻译1把肉,葱,蔬菜切碎并混合再在碗里,放些调味料2把面和水混在一起制成饺子皮3把陷包进饺子皮里4煮水5把饺子放进去 英语翻译1去散步 2照相 3稍个口信 4在.前面 5一点,少量 6最后 7吹灭 8切碎 9对.感兴趣 把蘑菇切碎?的英语怎么说? 把一个洋葱切碎的英语 首先把苹果切碎 用英语怎么说? 把两个苹果切碎 英文怎么拼 英语翻译桃仁红枣粥材料:梗米100克,桃仁6克,红枣6颗,白糖5克,冷水适量1.桃仁洗净,去皮`尖.2.红枣洗净,去核.3.梗米淘洗干净,用冷水浸泡半小时,捞出沥干水分.4.梗米`桃仁同放进锅内,加入约100 英语翻译:我在做汤之前将西红柿切碎 我需要一些切碎的香蕉.用英语翻译 请把生菜切碎,夹在三明治里.(中翻英) 小海龟吃什么?我把肉切碎,但它不吃, 我们怎样才能把洋葱很容易地切碎英语 把香蕉剥开并切碎用英语怎么说 英语翻译首先,将两茶匙黄油涂在一片面包上.然后把一个洋葱和西红柿切碎放到面包上.接下来把调味品放在火鸡上.最后把另一片面包放在最上面. 英语翻译1:你还有其他的建议吗?(alternative)2:他想什么就说什么,不顾别人的感受(regardless of)3:市内的交通被暴风雨所阻断(interrupt)4:把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅里5:客人耐心的在招 英语翻译要把year放在最后面的.最好大概在5到6个单词这样的。