帮我写一封英文信具体内容如下 抱歉这么晚给你回信,因为我必须完成我的作业,我们就要开学了,而且我的英语不好需要人帮忙.美国文化对中国文化确实有很多影响,很多中国人爱过西方节日

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 05:57:19

帮我写一封英文信具体内容如下 抱歉这么晚给你回信,因为我必须完成我的作业,我们就要开学了,而且我的英语不好需要人帮忙.美国文化对中国文化确实有很多影响,很多中国人爱过西方节日

帮我写一封英文信具体内容如下 抱歉这么晚给你回信,因为我必须完成我的作业,我们就要开学了,而且我的英语不好需要人帮忙.美国文化对中国文化确实有很多影响,很多中国人爱过西方节日
Sorry for my late reply as I was kept busy with my homework. School is about to start soon. As my English is not so good, I need to seek help from others for translating this letter. Chinese culture has really been influenced greatly by American culture. Many Chinese celebrate western festivals these days. English is also a very important subject in the school curriculum and students usually learn the American accent. American pop music is also very popular in China, e.g. songs of Michael Jackson. I come from Anhui Province in the eastern part of China. There are many beautiful scenery in my province.

Be sorry to write in reply to you so late,brcause I must complete my homework,we are about to reopen,but also my English is not easy to need people give a gand .American cultural correct China The com...


Be sorry to write in reply to you so late,brcause I must complete my homework,we are about to reopen,but also my English is not easy to need people give a gand .American cultural correct China The compatriots is love celebrates the Western festival,and English very important course,the majority is English of beautiful type.U.S.A. is popular to have the popular song in China,such as Jackson Michael Province,there are a lot of wellknown scenic spots here.


The regret is such late for you replies in writing, because I must complete my work, we must begin school, moreover my English not good need person helped. The American culture has many influences tru...


The regret is such late for you replies in writing, because I must complete my work, we must begin school, moreover my English not good need person helped. The American culture has many influences truly to the Chinese culture, many Chinese have loved the Western holiday, and English is the very important curriculum, majority is the American English. The US also has the popular song to be popular in China, for instance Michael Jackson's song. I from east China's Anhui Province, here have many scenic spots. My wealth value are not many, helps!


帮我写一封英文信具体内容如下 抱歉这么晚给你回信,因为我必须完成我的作业,我们就要开学了,而且我的英语不好需要人帮忙.美国文化对中国文化确实有很多影响,很多中国人爱过西方节日 帮我写一封英文信.谁能帮我写一份英文信呢?内容是:很感谢你的来信,我的英文不怎么好,可能我们交流起来可能会有一些问题.很抱歉!但是我很开心你的来信,希望你能天天开心! 麻烦帮我写两封英文信.具体内容如下.1.对公司提供职位表示感谢.2.解释为何不能接受所提供职位的原因.3.希望予以谅解,并表达对公司的良好祝愿.字数100字以上.要2篇噢, 具体内容如下, 帮我写一封英文信 很短的几句话 很高兴你和我在同一个城市!不过非常抱歉,我的英语很不好,我怕我们沟通会有问题……你会讲中文吗?你是在中国工作吗? 英语高手帮我拿英语写一封邮件具体内容百度hi我 求高手帮我写一封简单的英文信内容如下:最近还好吗?收到你的来信已经有一段时间了,现在正值中国的春节,也是中国最大的节日,就好像是国外的圣诞节一样,每个家庭的人都在团聚,然后迎 理解如下:是不是这么理解的帮我看下谢谢! 消失了这么久我很抱歉英语怎么说 我很抱歉这么久才给你回信 英语怎么说 我很抱歉你这么说英文怎么说 请帮我翻译成一封英文信尊敬的大舅: 您好!好久没有联系了,近来好吗?表妹们都好吗?舅妈呢? 真抱歉,因为一直忙于生存和生活,所以很久没有向您请安了,敬请见谅! 我才发现原来生存是那 大家帮我中译英一个短句吧我们很抱歉的告诉你经过这么长时间图上的商品已经没有了.我们可以取消交易吗?或者换另一个商品?把很抱歉改成很惋惜 哪位高手能帮我写一张英文请假条?内容如下:“我9月15日想请个假!” 就这么简单, 帮我写份英文信好吗?内容如下:1.发信人及地址:中国 江西省 南昌市 胜利路44号 杨林2.收信人及其地址:美国 马萨诸塞州 剑桥市 花园街 哈弗大学 自动化系 刘英先生 麻烦帮我写下这个内 请帮我写一封英文信,急谁能帮我写一封英文信呀,就写关于求职应聘方面的,是给公司的信,就象写中文求职一样的内容,一定要把格式写好,我是为了考试用的,所以只要写出一份就可以了谢谢 《芦花荡》中“呆望”一词的具体内容,《芦花荡》中“呆望”一词的具体内容,各位帮我一把 麻烦帮我看封英文信,我同事和我昨晚交接后,回到了美国总部,这位美籍华人在回到美国后,写了一封邮件给和我同级别的美国同事,内容如下:My China global IT transition assignment has come to the end.Than