现在进行时练习题 要填空和句型转换 最好是有答案的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 07:30:02

现在进行时练习题 要填空和句型转换 最好是有答案的
现在进行时练习题 要填空和句型转换 最好是有答案的

现在进行时练习题 要填空和句型转换 最好是有答案的
1.She is _____ (walk,walking) now.
2.Mother is ______ (feed,feeding) birds.
3.They are _____ (sitting,siting) on the chair.
4.Cindy is _____ (watch,watching) TV.
5.Joe is _____ (jogging,joging) in the garden.
6.Look,Nick is _____ (coming,come).
7.The cat is _____ (lieing,lying) on the rug.
8.Listen,she is _____ (singing,sing).
9.Look,the girl is _____ (run).
10.The cat is _____ (eat) now.
11.Look,the baby is _____ (smile).
12.My mother and my father are _____ (dance).
13.Uncle Jerry is _____ (drive).
14.The fish is _____ (swim) in the river.
15.She is _____ (shop).
1.你要去哪儿啊?Where are you _____?
2.Nick 正在爬攀登架.Nick is _____ (climb) the jungle gym.
3.他们正在读书.They are _____ books.
4.爷爷正在吸烟.Grandpa is _____.
5.我在做作业.I am _____ (do) my homework.
6.我妈妈正在做饭.My mother is _____.
7.Jerry在喝柠檬果汁.Jerry is _____ lemon juice.
8.他正在写信.He is _____ a letter.
9.看!Cindy来了.Look,Cindy is ______.
10.我们在唱歌.We are _____ now.
1.He _____ drinking water.
2.The eagle _____ flying in the sky.
3.Children _____ playing in the playground.
4.They are _____ working now.
5.I _____ going to the supermarket.
6.I _____ coming.
7.He _____ walking in the woods now.