That is ____map of____china横线处该填什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:52:41

That is ____map of____china横线处该填什么?
That is ____map of____china

That is ____map of____china横线处该填什么?
a the.

That is a map of China.

我来回答,复习 Unit 1 — Unit 4

UNIT 1------ UNIT 2
1. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
2. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, ...


我来回答,复习 Unit 1 — Unit 4

UNIT 1------ UNIT 2
1. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
2. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z,
3. A E I O U a e i o u
4. A H J K a h j k
E B C D G P T V e b c d g p t v
I Y i y
O o
U Q W u q w
F L M N S X Z f l m n s x z
R r
5. What’s this ? It’s “M”.
6. Where is “H”? It’s here.
7.Good morning, Miss Gao.
8.Good morning, Mr Wang.
9.Good morning, Mrs Yang.
10.Good morning, class.
13.Nice to meet you.
14.Nice to meet you, too.
15.How are you?
16.Fine, thank you. And you?
17.Fine, thanks. And how are you?
18.I’m fine, too. Thank you.
19.I’m Ann Read.
20.What’s your name?
21.What’s his name?
22.What’s her name?
23.What’s its name?
24.What’s your sister’s name?
25.My name is Han Mei.
26.His name is David.
27.Her name is Lucy.
28.Its name is Polly.
29.My sister’s name is Kate.
30.Excuse me. Are you Tom?
31.Yes, I am.
32.No, I’m not.
34.That’s all right.
35.This is David.
36.Can you spell Jim Green?
37.Yes. J-I-M, Jim,G-R-double E-N,Green.
38.How do you do?
39.How do you do?
40.Welcome to China!
41.Welcome to our home.
42.You’re welcome!
43.Goodbye! Bye! Bye-bye!
44.See you later! See you!
USA p.m.

Unit 3
1. zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety ninety-nine a hundred a hundred and forty-eight
2. What’s your number?
3. I’m Number Four.
4. What row are you in?
5. I’m in Row Five.
6. Are you in Row Six? No, I’m not.
7. What class are you in?
8. I’m in Class Three ,Grade One.
9. Let’s go.
10. Please go and close the door.
11. Hurry up!
12. Don’t be late.
13. Get a ruler and a pen.
14. What’s one plus two?
15. It’s three.
16. What’s five and seven?
17. It’s twelve.
18. How old are you ?
19. I’m thirteen.
20. Are you twelve ?
21. Yes, I am.
22. What’s fourteen minus two?
23. It’s twelve.
24. Ah, it’s a secret.
P15 My address book
Name Li Ming
Sex M/W
Add No.5 West Street, Beijing, China
Postal code 100045
Tel 87645923
Aa /ei/ name Kate game grade age
Aa /æ/ Ann map bag thank am and

Unit 4
1. What’s this in English?
2. What’s that in English?
3. It’s a pencil sharpener.
4. It’s an eraser.
5. It’s a map of China.
6. Is this a map of China?
7. Is that a map of China?
8. Is it a map of China?
9. Yes, it is./No,it isn’t
10. an eraser an apple an orange an egg an English car
Ii /ai/ bike fine nice like kite hi
Ii /i/ sit this Miss it is six

一. 用括号里词的适当形式完成句子(本题共6题,每题1分,共6分)
1. This is ________ book. (I)
2. ________ is a boy. (his)
3. These are English ________. (number)
4. She is in ________ One. (grade)
5. What ________ three and four?(be)
6. These _____ are green (绿色) (pencil-box)

二. 用方框内所给的词语填空(共7题,每题1分,共7分)
1. ______ name is Ann.
2. Are these ______?
3. ______ is Jim's bike?
4. A: Is this ______ picture?
B: No, it isn't my picture.
5. ______ is my pencil-box?
6. A: Are those jeeps? B: Yes, ______ are.
7. I have a ______ .______name is Jim Green.

三. 翻译下列词组(共8题,每题1分,共8分)
1. 一位英语老师 ________
2. 一个秘密 ________
3. 哪个班 ________
4. 劳驾 ________
5. 用英语 ________
6. 见到你很高兴 ________
7. 坐下! ________
8. 早上好! ________

四. 就划线部分提问(即改为特殊疑问句,共5题,每题1分,共5分)
1. My name is Li Hong.
2. Tom is eleven.
3. That is an English book.
4. Jim and Mike are in Class Three.
5. Li Ming is at home.

五. 补全对话(共1题,每空1分,共10分)
A : Excuse me! 1 you Wang Ping?

1. ______
B : 2 , I'm not. I'm L Lei.

2. ______
A : What class are you 3 ?

3. ______
B : I'm in 4 4, Grade 1.

4. ______
A: Are you in 5 2?

5. ______
B : Yes, I 6 .

6. ______
A: 7 8 are you?

7. ______
B : I 9 twelve.

8. ______
A : 10 one and two?

9. ______
B : It's three.

10. ______

六. 将下列句子译成英文:(共6题,每题2分,共12分)
1. 我在一年级5班。 ________
2. 你多大了?我12岁。 ________
3. 你在哪个班? ________
4. 他也在第二排。 ________
5. 你是李明吗? ________
6. 吉姆在哪?对不起,我不知道。 ________
一. 1. my 2. He 3. numbers
4. Grade 5. is 6. pencil-boxes
二. 1. Her 2. English books 3. What number 4. your
5. Where 6. they 7. friend 8. His
三. 1. an English teacher
2. a secret
3. What class
4. Excuse me
5. in English
6. Nice to meet you
7. Sit down
8. Good morning!
四. 1. What's your name
2. How old is Tom
3. What's that
4. What class are Jim and Mike in
5. Where is Li Ming
五. 1. Are 2. No 3. in 4. Class 5. Row
6. am 7. How 8. old 9. am 10. What's
六. 1. I'm in Class Five, Grade One.
2. How old are you? I'm twelve.
3. What class are you in?
4. He is in Row Two, too.
5. Are you Li Ming?
6. Where is Jim? Sorry, I don't know. 5458希望对你有帮助!


That is a map of China.



a, whole

That is the map of mainland China.


the ;/ 意思是那是张中国地图。

That is a map of China

the /

That is ____map of____china横线处该填什么? Miss liu is one of__(a,the)best teachers __beef is a kind of__ meet横线处填冠词 he is unhappy.he is thinking of__ A.something terrible B.terrible something The Great Wall of China is one of__(great)wonders in the world译 杨凌是我的一位好朋友 英文:Yang Ling is a ___ ___ of__. Shanghai is one of__ in China.选择:A.the big cities,B.the biggest cities.为什么? Simon is a friend of__(i).用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The sun is__ __to the Earth than the other stars2.This classroom is__ __than that one.3.The elephant is one of__ __animals.4.Ken is__than any other__in his class5.My elder sister is seven years__than me(每个横线填一个单词 8:30之前 the children's day is on the 1 st day of__ a.july b.june c.may 高一英语选择题(名词性状语从句)及动词填空1.We gave him ___help we could.A which B what C that D this2.I am afaid this is the best way we can think of__ (help) you 3.If you don't want to miss the film,you should go to the cinema Who is the man over there?It's Mr.Black.He is friend of__.A my fatherB her C my father‘s D me选择哪个啊. The level of the sea is rising aroung the earth because of__.A.pollution B.few treesC.the greenhouse effect D.changes in the climate 关于英语滴一些问题1.i ate all___sandwiches yesterday.Can i have one of__?2.tell tom not to forget__book.and you mustn't has lost__pen.ask mary if she will lend him__.4.the teacher wants you to return that book that is that is That is is that