———(Bring .Take)the raincoat with you .Lt___(will,is going to)rain/ 给我原因.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:50:23

———(Bring .Take)the raincoat with you .Lt___(will,is going to)rain/ 给我原因.
———(Bring .Take)the raincoat with you .Lt___(will,is going to)rain/ 给我原因.

———(Bring .Take)the raincoat with you .Lt___(will,is going to)rain/ 给我原因.
Take the raincoat with you .It is going to rain
第二空is going to
is going to 一般指主观发生的

Take(Bring .Take)the raincoat with you .It_is going to(will,is going to)rain
be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些

———(Bring .Take)the raincoat with you .Lt___(will,is going to)rain/ 给我原因. 13、——Linda,please( )these flowers( )the classroom ——OK,I'll do it at onceA.bring;toB.take;inC.take;to In the past ,the people in this village had to walk a few miles to——water.A.take.B.bring.C.carry .D.fetch理由 Please——your CDs to me tomorrow.A.take B.bring C.bringsPlease——your CDs to me tomorrow.A.take B.bring C.brings bring the boat还是take the boat .Please_________ the old one away ,_______a new one here.A.take,take B.bring,bring C.take,bring D.Please_________ the old one away ,_______a new one here.A.take,take B.bring,bring C.take,bring D.bring,take —Oh,I’ve left my schoolbag in the classroom.—Don’tworry.I’ll it for you.A.bring B.get C.take D.carry Please____(take,bring)the photos there tomorrow the teacher ask the stunders to()the broken desk away and()a new one here.A.take;take B.bring;bring C.take;bring D.bring;take ______the magazine to the next room,and_____the newspaper here.A)Bring...bring B)Take...bring C)Bring.take D)Take...take The old man had to ——the heavy bag ——the carA.pull;out ofB.push;awayC.bring;out D.take;into可以叙述一下原因吗?不是 放进去才吃力。拿出来不吃力的么/? Please____(to take,take,to,bring,bring)the photos there tomorrow I′m sorry,I——my exercise at home.Don′t forget —— it to school tomorro ,pleaseA.forget,to take B.left,to bring C.forget,to bring D.left,to take take the photos to bring the photos to school呢? 1.Classes ———— .A.begins B.begin C.are begin D.are begins2.take和bring My dictionary is lost.Can you ( )your dictionary—( )here空填什么?A bring 、不填 B bring、to C take、不填 D take、to选择那个破折号打错了,sorry。 youcan ( )the walkman to school but don ‘t don’t forget to( )it back A TAKE,TAKE B bring,bringC take,bring D bring,take (解析) Would you ____ the school report to your parents and ___ their answer?A.bring take B.bring bringC.take take D.take bring