有听力 ,六分左右就好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 18:52:35

有听力 ,六分左右就好

有听力 ,六分左右就好
( )1、A.dry B.my C.try D.wet
( ) 2. A.holiday B.yesterday C.today D.Saturday
( ) 3. A.these B.there C.those D.here
( ) 4. A.skate B.skates C.ski D.skiing
( ) 5. A.live B.give C.gift D.living
( ) 6. A. sing B.song C.think D.sink
( ) 7. A.ball B.fall C.fell D.mall
( ) 8. A.hotel B.west C. day D.western
( ) 9. A.eat B.eats C. ate D.often
( ) 10. A.day B.date C.today D.way
( )1. A.It’s a 6:00. B.It 6:00. C.It’s 6:00. D.It a 6:00
( ) 2. A.He is siting. B.He is sitting. C.He is sit. D.He sitting.
( ) 3.A.June first. B.September tenth.
C.October first. D.December twenty-fifth.
( ) 4.A.She is walking to the park. B.She is going to walking to the park.
C. She is going to walk to the park. D.She walks to the park.
( ) 5.A.It’s winter. B.It’s spring. C.It’s summer. D.It’s fall.
连指手套 三角形 冰箱 厨房 夏天
1、The green pencil is (你的)
2、Danny (想)to learn Chinese.
3、I am (wash) my hands now.
4、Here (come) the school bus.
5、I have many beautiful (连衣裙).
6、Everyone in the classroom is (quiet)
7、Today is (rain),I have to put on my rain boots.
8、Danny (love) winter very much, because he wants (play) in the snow.
9、Look! They are ( sit) on the couch.
1、I would like hamburgers. A.eat B.ate C.eats D.to eat
2、Mum eggs on the stove now. A.cook B.cooks C.cooking D.is cooking
3、Let’s put a circle usually. A.on B.to C.in D.for
4、I am going to play guitar. A.the B.a C.an D./
5、I like the shapes. A. a B.an C.the D.all
6、Is your father a teacher a driver? A.and B.or C.of D.to
7、Let’s some books on the table. A.put B.puts C.to put
8、Everyone in the room supper. A.eat B.eating C.eats
9、Here’s I like to do. A.who B.where C.when D.what
10、 is the temperature? A.How B.What C.What’s D.How’s
( )Is it a dish? A.I’m from China.
( ) Is it a dish or a plate? B.It’s a dish.
( )Can you play the piano? C.Three.
( )How’s the weather today? D.It’s rainy.
( )How many children are there? E.Sure, I can.
( )Where are you from? F.Yes, it’s a dish.
Jenny:I want to you to .
Li Ming: Thank you, Jenny!
Jenny:Yon need to take your shorts and put on your pants.
Li Ming: do I need to my pants.
Jenny: it is cold outside. It's winter.
Li Ming: OK!
Jenny:Can you skate forwards?
Li Ming: I I can.
Jenny:You learn fast, Li Ming!
Li Ming: Thank you, Jenny! I think you are a good teacher. I want to to ,too.
六.猜一猜, 将正确的词语写在横线上. (8分)
1.You take it on a rainy day. If you forgot it, you will get wet. It is an .
2. This is a season. It's warm and rainy. The flowers bloom. It is .
3.It's a man. It makes with snow. It's a .
4.It's a kind of vegetables. It's round. When you cut it. It can hurt your eyes.It's an (carrot, onion, peas)
七. 阅读短文, 判断正误,正确的写T, 错误的写F.(5分)
It's October seventh. The season is fall. The weather is sunny, but cool. The temperature is about 17 degrees. The pupils (小学生) of No.12 School have no lessons. They are in the park. The park is beautiful and large.There are many trees and flowers in it. There is a river and a hill in it, too. Some girls are under a big tree. They are singing and dancing. Tom and Jack are sitting beside the river. They are drawing. Kate is there,too. She is looking at the fish in the river. Look, there is an apple in Rose's hand. She is eating it. They are happy.
( )1. It's a cold day, today.
( )2. The pupils are in the classroom.
( )3.Kate is looking the fish.
( )4.The park is small.
( )5.They are having a good time.
八.写作. (5分)
以My favourite season 为题, 写一段话.
1.书写规范, 语句通顺. 2.不少于五句话.

一、1、A.dry 2. B.yesterday 3. B.there 4. A.skate 5. C.gift
6. D.sink 7. A.ball 8. D.Western
9. C. ate 10. C.today

( C )1. What time is it now?
( B ) 2. What is he doing?
( D ) 3.When is Christams?
( C ) 4.What is she going to do?
( A ) 5.The weather is cold and snowy. What season is it?
三、 4 3 5 1 2
We make snowmen in China. First,we make a big ball of snow. Then we make another snowball. This one is smaller than the first. We make another small snowball. We put it on top. Let's make a face on the snowman. This carrot is his nose. I have some little rocks for his mouth and eyes.I think he's wonderful.

有听力 ,六分左右就好 怎么提高六级听力啊?六级每次听力都是100分左右, 六级听力窍门哦卖糕的,大学里英语六级考了四次了,最高一次404,基本稳定在390分左右,听力110+.,阅读160左右,有没有什么窍门让听力一下子提高啊,就最后次机会考六级了 六级听力怎么提高?有什么好的听力教程吗?六级考了好几次了,总是300多分,没什么提高,好像有什么瓶颈似的.六级听力有什么好的教程啊,可以下载的 六级听力怎么练习听力一直在180分左右,想突破200,怎样练习听力最有效! 按照六级的评分标准,听力做对一个就有105分,全做错还有101.为什么有人听力得了104分? 六级听力怎么练?感觉六级听力很难~有没有好的听力材料推荐~ 六级听力有什么好的突破办法? 听力口语写作好,但是阅读好差怎么办呀?能分老外很熟练的交流,四六级听力都在200分左右,作文在一百分左右,可为啥阅读就在160左右呢,愁死了,呜呜呜。ps:英文日常会话听力任何问题 如何快速提高六级听力每次听力都是在80分左右,想过六级压力很大呀!求经验呀 新托福80分和雅思6分哪个好到达新托福80和雅思6分哪个好考些?我现在水平不到大学六级,就听力分差些,我会努力补的.准备时间最多三个月,想一次通过,哪个更容易些呢?最近半年来雅思是否有 今年冬天考托福,该怎么准备?我英语底子不错,六级600分,特别是听力和口语该怎么准备?有那些好的材料? 我四级524,六级554,现在想报考bec高级,我听力都200分左右,口语也不差.看同学中级很好过,就想直接报高级的.17报名截止了,有点着急~ 上次六级听力考了83分,相当于对了几道选择题呀?这次听力对了10个选择,听力填空就对一个,大概是多少分 英语四级各部分有基本分吗,我后面的分数应该有380分左右,可是我的听力才对四个,听力的基本分多少呢谁可以告诉我下,听力的基本分是多少啊,对四个不会就只有24分吧 应不应该改复查六级?复查有作用么?我的听力只有45分,其他分数很正常,只要听力的分数正常一点就能通过了.怎么复查?复查有用么? 2014六级听力怎么算分 六级听力长句子多少分