英语:英语选词填空(暑假作业上的,帮个忙,有积分追加)英语填空:单词:plan away send postcard bike ride famous Europe something lake leave countryside nature forget finish tourist——(欧洲)is far ——(离开

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 19:00:19

英语:英语选词填空(暑假作业上的,帮个忙,有积分追加)英语填空:单词:plan away send postcard bike ride famous Europe something lake leave countryside nature forget finish tourist——(欧洲)is far ——(离开
单词:plan away send postcard bike ride famous
Europe something lake leave countryside nature
forget finish tourist
——(欧洲)is far ——(离开)from here and it is——(著名的)for a——(湖).Many ——(游客)——(计划)to take a——(假期)there.They are going ___ ______(骑自行车旅行)in the ___(乡下) because they have ____(某些事) to do before they ____(动身,离开),they have to____(完成) their
work first .I hope they won't—(忘记)to ——(寄)me some ——(明信片)from there.

英语:英语选词填空(暑假作业上的,帮个忙,有积分追加)英语填空:单词:plan away send postcard bike ride famous Europe something lake leave countryside nature forget finish tourist——(欧洲)is far ——(离开
【European】(欧洲)is far 【away】(离开)from here and it is【famous 】(著名的)for a【lake】(湖).Many 【tourists】(游客)【plan】(计划)to take a【vacation】(假期)there.They are going 【bike riding】(骑自行车旅行)in the 【countryside】(乡下) because they have 【something】(某些事) to do before they 【leave】(动身,离开),they have to【finish】(完成) their work first .I hope they won't【forget】(忘记)to 【send】(寄)me some【postcards】(明信片)from there.

Europe away famous lake tourist plan ride bike countryside something leave finish
forget send postcard

Europe(欧洲)is far away (离开)from here and it is famous(著名的)for a lake(湖)。Many tourists(游客)plan(计划)to take a vacation(假期)there.They are going bike riding(骑自行车旅行)in the countryside(乡下) because they have ...


Europe(欧洲)is far away (离开)from here and it is famous(著名的)for a lake(湖)。Many tourists(游客)plan(计划)to take a vacation(假期)there.They are going bike riding(骑自行车旅行)in the countryside(乡下) because they have something(某些事) to do before they leave(动身,离开),they have to finish(完成) their work first .I hope they won't forget (忘记)to send(寄)me some postcards(明信片)from there。


Europe is far away from here and it is famous for a lake. Many tourists plan to take a (按理说假期应该是vacation或者break,但是剩下的选择只有nature) there. They are going bike riding in the countryside because they have ...


Europe is far away from here and it is famous for a lake. Many tourists plan to take a (按理说假期应该是vacation或者break,但是剩下的选择只有nature) there. They are going bike riding in the countryside because they have something to do. Before they leave, they have to finish their work first. I hope they won't forget to send me some postcards from there.
