初中英语作文、附加题请你以my ideal summer holiday 为题,写一篇80词的短文.who is your favourite pop star When was he /she born?when did he/she start singing?write a story about him /hei.假如你是一名导游,请以城市马拉

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 09:49:35

初中英语作文、附加题请你以my ideal summer holiday 为题,写一篇80词的短文.who is your favourite pop star When was he /she born?when did he/she start singing?write a story about him /hei.假如你是一名导游,请以城市马拉
请你以my ideal summer holiday 为题,写一篇80词的短文.
who is your favourite pop star When was he /she born?when did he/she start singing?write a story about him /hei.
假如你是一名导游,请以城市马拉松City Marathon 为题写一篇英语短文,要求如下:1.城市马拉松比赛对我们来说是一次重大活动,每年四月举行.2.组织城市马拉松比赛是为了筹集善款来帮助当地的贫困学生.3.虽然这项比赛很艰苦,但是选手们还是积极参加.4.我们希望更多的朋友支持比赛,尽他们所能帮助需要帮助的人.   根据要点写一篇70词左右的短文.
李先生是建湖人,请你以校报记者的身份对他进行采访,请根据下面信息写一篇采访稿. 李先生自出生起就住在建湖,现在的建湖变化了许多.过去这里空气清新,树木很多,现在这里建造了许多新的楼房.过去人们只能骑自行车,现在交通非常快捷方便,你可以乘干净的出租车、公交车等.这些变化给建湖带来了很多经济效益,李先生看到这些很高兴.
假如你是jack,一位unicef志愿者,请你用英文写一篇短文,介绍你在暑假中去一家孤儿院an orphanage 参加志愿者活动的经历.
IQ大比拼 each word hides the name of a number witten either forward or backward .       1.Existiing 2.Lightwood 
What letter could replace the question mark?
游戏 jane has 15yuan .here are some of the books she would like to buy.which books will she get if  she spends 15yuan exactly?
schoolgirls'life  9.95  show jumping 4.50 pocket book of birds 2.95 james and the peach 1.55 standard dictionary 3.50

初中英语作文、附加题请你以my ideal summer holiday 为题,写一篇80词的短文.who is your favourite pop star When was he /she born?when did he/she start singing?write a story about him /hei.假如你是一名导游,请以城市马拉
1. My ideal summer holiday
After a long semester of study, the best gift for me is a summer holiday in which I can relax. An ideal summer holiday should be neither busy nor idle. I would like to spend it on traveling.
I would like to visit Tibet by train. On the one hand, crossing the grassy plateau where horses and oxen stroll in is enjoyable. On the other hand, I can meet many interesting people during the trip. After arriving at Tibet, I would like to take the opportunity to enjoy the gorgeous landscape and the fresh air.
Traveling to Tibet seems to be an ideal plan for a summer holiday for me because it is exhilarating and relaxing.
2. Pop star
My favorite pop star is Michael Jackson, an out-standing US singer and dancer. He was born in America in 1958. In 1964, his made his debut as a member of The Jackson 5. He left his team when he was 14. His first special edition was published in 1979 and it brings him with big fame. His special edition is the best saler in the world. He also engaged in public benefit activities, donating tremendous money. He died in 2009, making a huge lose to the music world.
3. City Marathon
Welcome to our city. It is a great honor of mine to give you a brief introduction about City Marathon. It is a major event which is held in every April in our city. The purpose for the game is to collect money to give a hand to poor students. Although the game is difficult because it is a chanllege for both physical strength and will, there are still many athletes take part in it. We hope there will be more people supporting this game to do their part helping others.
4. Mr. Li
Mr. Li have lived in JianHu since he was a boy. He provided us with valuable resources focusing on the change of the city. In the past, people enjoyed the fresh air and flourish trees. However, there are new buildings now. People used to ride bicycles, while the traffic now is convinient. People are able to choose tidy taxis and buses. These changes has brought JianHu a lot financial benefits and Mr. Li was glad to see them.
I'm Jack, a volunteer of UNICEF. I spent a unforgetable summer holiday working in an orphanage.
I had never getten along with orphans and it was hard for me to imagine how they live without parents. After my arriving at the orphanage, I found that their living condition was bearable and their ability to take care of themselves was surprising. However, they had few qualified teachers. I tought them English during the summer and they learnt with eager.
I'm glad that I can help them and I hope more people can join us.
6. six two
7. What?是不是应该有图啊
8. 1、4、5
I sometimes watch TV during the summer holiday. My favorite programs is News. By wathcing news, I'm able to know what is happening all over the world and I can get some source to discuss with my parents. Nearly every family have the habiting of focusing on News and I think it is beneficial. I don't like soap opreas although my mother likes them. I think I'am able to predict the ending of these stories and it is quite a waste of time to spend the whole night in front of TV. Moreover, they are full of advertisements which are really disgusting.
希望能帮到你=w=question mark那道题我觉得应该有图啊……