征集英语情景对话8A friend in need is a friend indeed.What did you do when your friend was in trouble?Create dialogs based on one of the following situations and your own experience,then act them out.(1)Your fiend broke his leg at football pra

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 15:38:06

征集英语情景对话8A friend in need is a friend indeed.What did you do when your friend was in trouble?Create dialogs based on one of the following situations and your own experience,then act them out.(1)Your fiend broke his leg at football pra
A friend in need is a friend indeed.What did you do when your friend was in trouble?Create dialogs based on one of the following situations and your own experience,then act them out
(1)Your fiend broke his leg at football practice.You discuss with some classmates and decide to take good care of him and help him catch up with the class.
(2)Your friend comes from a poor family.To save money for the tuition and living cost,he wears worn clothes and eats badly.Now you and some classmates are discussing what you can do to help him/her.
(3)Your friend was admitted to his/her current department against his/her will,so he/she is always in low moods and unable to focus on studies.You try to help him/her out.

征集英语情景对话8A friend in need is a friend indeed.What did you do when your friend was in trouble?Create dialogs based on one of the following situations and your own experience,then act them out.(1)Your fiend broke his leg at football pra

征集英语情景对话8A friend in need is a friend indeed.What did you do when your friend was in trouble?Create dialogs based on one of the following situations and your own experience,then act them out.(1)Your fiend broke his leg at football pra 征集英语情景对话3Suppose you have a foreign friend who is interested in the sports and games unique in China.Now make up a dialogue to introduce to him/her your favorite childhood sports or games which can be found only in China.3人参与, 征集大学英语情景对话征集一段3--5分钟的英语情景对话 带翻译的最好 不要很难的 内容成熟一点 征集一段大学英语情景对话,要求在2分钟左右,内容要成熟一点 求一段英语情景对话!对话背景:Your friend invited you to his or her home for a party,ask him or her how to get there. 征集一段英语口语情景对话 1分钟左右 英语情景对话!急 英语餐厅情景对话 求英语情景对话> 餐厅英语情景对话 初三英语情景对话 饭店情景英语对话 征集大学英语情景对话students A is a patient ,is not feeling well and goes to see the doctor .the doctor examines A and gives A a prescription.要求两分钟左右,谢谢.很急. 求英语短对话a meets his old friend,b,in the street 征集一段英语对话:关于天气的 Offer your friend some heip and reply to his thanks 的英语情景对话 英语填空题!跪求高人帮助!根据情景补全对话,每空一词.A:Hi,BiII!What_______(1)are you in?B:I`m in CIass Three,______(2)Seven.A:Oh,my friend is in Class Three,Grade Seven,______(3).B:What`s_____(4)name?A:Yang Li.B:Yan 征集一段英语口语情景对话 1分钟左右A meets B,American friend,at a club.A invites B to his / her home and B accepts.Exchanges Greetings and invites B to his or her home.Tells B where his or her home is is and aska if he /she can find th