A:Hello.What's your ()?B:I'm Jim.Your name,()?A:() Jack.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 20:17:58

A:Hello.What's your ()?B:I'm Jim.Your name,()?A:() Jack.
A:Hello.What's your ()?B:I'm Jim.Your name,()?A:() Jack.

A:Hello.What's your ()?B:I'm Jim.Your name,()?A:() Jack.
A:Hello.What's your (name )? B:I'm Jim. Your name,(please)? A:(I'm) Jack.

name too i'm

your name

Hello,what's your name? hello,what's your name?意思 Hello!Everybody!What's your name? A:Hello.What's your ()?B:I'm Jim.Your name,()?A:() Jack. Hello!My name is Andy.-------()A.hello B.What's your name C.Nice to meet you D.Good morning hello,how are you?what's your name? What's Hello girl? What's hello? Hello,what's your name?Hello,My name()Lily(在括号里填空) 歌词是hello,I am calvin ,hello ,I am calear.What's your name?What's your name?I am calear.hello,he hello,I'm Mary.( ) A.hi,he is Alan.B.hello,my name's Lily.C.hi,her name is Gina.hello,I'm Mary.( )A.hi,he is Alan.B.hello,my name's Lily.C.hi,her name is Gina.D.hello,what's your name? 空格里应该填什么?A:Hello.What's your name?B:I'm Jim.Your name is,( )A:I'm Jack. A.And what's your name?B.What's your nameA. And what's your name?B.What's your name?C.What's this in English?And what color is it?D.Hello!E.Nice to meet you.F.Thabk you!G.Can you spell it? 补全对话,每空一词A:Hello!B.Hello!My name is Jane.What’s your name?1A._________ Bob.2B._________ this your backpack?3A.No,it _________ .lt’s Tom’s backpack.B.Hi,Tom,is this your backpack?4A.Yes,_________ you,Jane.What’s this in English 英语翻译A:Hello,Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.A:What's your name,please?B:My name is WangPingPing.A:What's your job?B:I'm a engineer. Hello what's the meaning? 请以Tom的口吻,把下面的对话改写一篇英语小短文.要求语句通顺、内容完整.不少于6句话.快 急A:Hello!B:Hello!A:What's your name?B:My name is Tom.A:What's this,Tom?B:It's a pencil.It's red.A:Is this your pencil?B:Yes,it l 4.初次认识某人 ,你对他说的问候语应该是 :________?A.How are you B.What ’ s your namec how do you do?d hello