英语翻译文章Once a little-known NBA player,Jeremy Lin has stormed to the front pages of newspapers in America,as well as other countries around the world.Some people thought he achieved success overnight.In real life,an overnight success is alm

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 07:11:02

英语翻译文章Once a little-known NBA player,Jeremy Lin has stormed to the front pages of newspapers in America,as well as other countries around the world.Some people thought he achieved success overnight.In real life,an overnight success is alm
Once a little-known NBA player,Jeremy Lin has stormed to the front pages of newspapers in America,as well as other countries around the world.Some people thought he achieved success overnight.
In real life,an overnight success is almost impossible.This Harvard graduate uses his intelligence extending well beyond the classroom and books to play basketball.But the most important reason for his success is not how smart he is,but how hard-working he is.
Practice makes perfect.A football player has to spend time both in the weight room and on the football field (足球场),if he or she wants to be outstanding.A bodybuilder (健美运动者) not only has to go to the gym to stay fit,but also has to make a detailed meal and sleep plan.So you can imagine how hard-working Jeremy Lin is.
Compared with other NBA players,he is neither tall nor strong.But he has excellent passing,slam dunk (灌篮) and three-point shot (三分球) skills.How did he get all these basketball skills?He practiced these skills on the basketball court (篮球场) almost every day.Then he led his team to seven straight victories.He proved that he could play basketball well,though he is not very strong and tall.His hard work finally paid off.

英语翻译文章Once a little-known NBA player,Jeremy Lin has stormed to the front pages of newspapers in America,as well as other countries around the world.Some people thought he achieved success overnight.In real life,an overnight success is alm





英语翻译就是文章开头是There was once a little boy who always had excuse............. 英语翻译文章开头是 There was once a little boy who always had an excuse whenever he did something wrong.- 英语翻译有一篇文章叫做Water drop and snowflake 的英文文章,求翻译文章开头贴上哪= = Once upon a time there was a little drop of water who dreamed of becoming a snowflake and turning the whole world white.就知道这么多了= 帮忙找篇英语短文,文章开头A little boy once wanted to meet love 这篇短文就是讲一个男孩想遇到爱,遇 Tom plays basketball at ______(little) once a week 英语翻译文章Once a little-known NBA player,Jeremy Lin has stormed to the front pages of newspapers in America,as well as other countries around the world.Some people thought he achieved success overnight.In real life,an overnight success is alm 英语翻译Once a farmer,forever a farmer. 英语翻译用once upon a time 英语翻译once Once upon a time a little girl tried to make a living 谁知道Once upon a time,there was a pretty little girl.的翻译 this plant a little a day give water once.这些词怎么连词成句? There once was a little boy who never knew love until a girl broke his heart. The windows of the room___(clean) once a week,so they are a little dirty Once upon a time there was a little white with two beautiful long pink ears.翻译 英语翻译a few 还是 a little 英语翻译Once upon a time,there was a pretty little girl.She wore a little red cap.It was from her grandmother.The girl loved the cap very much.She was always wearing it.Since then.she was called “little red-Cap”.One day,her mother called her 连词成句this,plant,a little,aday,give,water,once