is more+adj+than有这样的结构吗?

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is more+adj+than有这样的结构吗?
is more+adj+than有这样的结构吗?

is more+adj+than有这样的结构吗?
严格意义上来说没有.我估计你可能是从句子上自己归纳出的结构对吧?!其实这里的adj是多音节的形容词.多音节形容词的比较级是more+adj,否则就是一般的在形容词后加er.“is more+adj+than”只是一个多音节形容词的比较级,就如:is better than,is worse than,is more beautiful than,is more difficult than等.

is more+adj+than有这样的结构吗? no more +adj.than sb. much+adj比较级和more+adj比较级的区别比如the school library is more newer than yours our classroom is much brighter than thers什么时候用much+adj比较级,什么时候用more+adj比较级 more+adj+than+adj的用法请举例说明用法,1 no more adj than与not more adj than区别RT中间有个形容词啊 more than 和less than可以用more ...than 有这样的用法吗,请举例 much more+adj+than用法 具体是 Ann is much (beautmuch more+adj+than用法具体是 Ann is much (beautiful)than Jane 帮忙写个英文作文,中心是“Is appearance important for a person?”,我的观点是外表不重要最好用上although It's more +adj. than even +adj. than enough usual/usually只用给个思路就行了。 more than+adj to do sth 用more than 造句 分五种情况 :more than+数词的 more than+名次的 more than...can/could+v.的 more than+adj./adc.的 和 more than one 的 每种情况两个句子 并翻译出来 这两个比较级句子哪个对A.Lily is a more beautiful girl than Mary.B.Lily is more beautiful a girl than Mary.这类adj.+n.的比较级句式的顺序到底应该是什么? I like watching TV _____ to the cinema.A.more than to go B.than goingC.more than going D.rather than to gomore than的用法有:1、+n.“不仅仅”2、+num.“多于”3、+adj.非常4、+v.极大地、岂止是more than 并没有+V-ing的 The old mother was more than a little happy to see his long lost son home.more than+adj 就是“很,非常”的意思,那后面又有 a little 感觉很奇怪, Today,nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food.这是个什么句型啊?有什么固定搭配?这样的句型怎么用? care is more than 1)A is 倍数 + more + n([c].n / [u].n)+ than + B2)A is 倍数 + as + many / much + n.+ as B这两个句型如何翻译,并举例说明,麻烦把A is 倍数 + adj.比较级 + than + A比B多……倍倍数 + as + adj.原级 + as + A是B的… 什么 is faster than 什么 有多少这样的句子 life was much harder than it is today.不是比较的句子吗?life is more hard than it is today——为什么不是这样呢?