英语翻译1.你对烹饪懂很多吗?Do you ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ cooking?2.一完成工作就给我打电话.—— —— —— —— —— you finish the work.3.她一听到音乐就开始跳起舞来.(as soon as)She began to dance ——

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:01:35

英语翻译1.你对烹饪懂很多吗?Do you ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ cooking?2.一完成工作就给我打电话.—— —— —— —— —— you finish the work.3.她一听到音乐就开始跳起舞来.(as soon as)She began to dance ——
Do you ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ cooking?
—— —— —— —— —— you finish the work.
3.她一听到音乐就开始跳起舞来.(as soon as)
She began to dance ——————.
Bob will come to see you ——————.
————————cut the apple?
6.安娜过去常常去草坪上放风筝.(used to)
————————————on the grass.
My friend came after I letf the hotel.
My friend —— —— —— —— ——the hotel
Jenny would like to be a teacher when she grows up.(a teacher划线)
—— —— —— —— —— ——when she grows up?
She used to take her son to go to the zoo.(to the zoo划线)
—— —— —— —— ——take her son to go?
Mike goes fishing with his friends twice a month.(twice a month划线)
—— —— —— ——go fishing with his friends
The Sydney Opera House looks like a ship(a ship划线)
—— —— the Sydney Opera House —— ——?

英语翻译1.你对烹饪懂很多吗?Do you ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ cooking?2.一完成工作就给我打电话.—— —— —— —— —— you finish the work.3.她一听到音乐就开始跳起舞来.(as soon as)She began to dance ——
1.know lots of things about
2.Call me as soom as
3.as soon as she listened to the music.
4.before he lives Beiing.
5.Can I use your knife to
6.Anna uesed to fly a kite
7.didn't came until i left
8 What would Jenney like to be
Where did she use to take
How often does Mike
What does look like


英语翻译1.你对烹饪懂很多吗?Do you ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ cooking?2.一完成工作就给我打电话.—— —— —— —— —— you finish the work.3.她一听到音乐就开始跳起舞来.(as soon as)She began to dance —— 英语翻译:scramble是一种烹饪方式吗?(翻译翻译) 英语翻译我喜欢弹奏乐器,我在学校乐团.或许你应该没听说过,那是一种叫做琵琶的中国民族乐器.当我还有很多爱好,比如旅行,烹饪,等等. do yo have some 英语翻译你对自己身材感到满意吗?Do you feeling satisfied with body yourself? 问几个英语语法问题1.是why are you doing it还是why do you do it?我知道后面的肯定是对的,但是第一个能表示你为什么在用这个么?就是be动词后面能接动词ing表示现在在干什么么?2.why you used it / why yo 英语作文:A Word About English Learning以“A Word About English Learning”为题,用英语写一篇作文,谈谈你对英语学习的看法及你学习英语的经验或体会,并提几条有关学好英语的建议.要求如下:1.Why do yo 英语翻译是一道烹饪材料 请问是什么 青蛙肉可以吃吗?我听说青蛙体内含有很多寄生虫和病毒,经过烹饪应该可以杀死吧. 英语翻译英语 ,不要自动翻译的,要纯正的地道口语,不要翻译的太书面.关于Hot tofu,我不知道该怎么用英语向你解释,我只能说虽然它是一道素菜,但是却需要很多的香料来烹饪.吃在嘴里感觉很 how do yo do的回答是什么? 日语do yo go do wa是什么意思? I'd like a yo-yo as a present.对 a yo-yo提问 你对很多女孩说过同样的话吗?用英文翻译 英语翻译claro y yo rusia 英语翻译yo pertenezco a una 英语翻译太阳照在你脸上 唱:宋岳庭 yo!keep it on yo!yo!yo!rock oh!uhn,uhn yeah~ha ha...yo!can i hit tha',mama 你有美好的曲线 请让我 touch tha'不好意思 fuck that!i've been watchin' you,you've been watchin' me 我现在问你 杜鲁门比罗斯福差很多吗很多人都对杜鲁门嗤之以鼻,你的看法是什么