
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:49:59

我一直在听你给我的那首歌Goodbye days,“很感激能够得到你的温柔和与你相遇”,这句歌词也是我想对你说的话,虽然你现在不在我身边,但你给的温柔仍然伴随著我.我会珍惜我们在一起的所有时光

Hey, is the moon in Poland just like me? I didn't think I'd be in such a bad mood after you left. Some say that a departure is for the sake of a better homecoming. Well, I can only believe in that saying now.
I've only just realised how important you've become to me. What are you up to right now? I wish you a good time and will wait for your return. I shall think of you every day, every hour and every second.
I love you, though not by first sight. So when did my feelings begin? I don't know that either - maybe it was the first time when you spoke to me, maybe it was the moment when you gave me that inexplicable smile...
Do you know, my dear, that even milk tasted sugar-sweet when I knew you loved me too? I want to stay by your side always. You might not know this, but my happiness flows with the sight of your smile - whenever you smile, my heart smiles along with you.
I've always made you listen to the song 'Goodbye days' - "I'm thankful for your tenderness and our meeting" - this line is what I'll like to say to you in person. Although you're no longer by my side, your tenderness still accompanies me. I will treasure all the times we've spent together.
I know you will be back soon.
全手工,有检读.翻译的拼写、语法、文法都没问题.为了语态自然稍微作出了一些改动.希望能对你有帮助.有什么问题请PM我 :-)

英语翻译嗨,波兰的月亮是不是像我一样.你走之后,我没料到我的情绪是如此糟糕.有人说离开是为了更好的回来,好吧,我只能够这样认为了.现在才发现,你对我来说已经这么重要,不知道你现在 英语翻译像孩子依赖着肩膀,像眼泪依赖着脸庞,像诗人依赖着月亮,像海豚依赖海洋,你就像天使一样,给我依赖给我力量,你是我最初和最后的天堂 新闻说月全食是明天,可是我觉得今晚的月亮像月全食,你觉得是不是? 你就是我的小小月亮 英语翻译 请问一下你是不是会折那种像粽子一样的星星?能不能教下我? 英文翻译-我会像月亮一样永远陪着你.请问用英文怎么说? 英语翻译月光小夜曲月亮在我窗前荡漾透进了爱的光芒我低头静静地想一想猜不透你心肠好像今晚月亮一样忽明忽暗又忽亮到底是爱还是心慌月光月夜情境像梦一样那甜蜜怎能相忘细语又在 我渴望像风一样单纯而自由 你英语翻译 英语翻译我爱你,就像你深爱着我一样. 英语翻译总有一天我会像你一样厉害 英语翻译,如果你有像我一样的勇气,就什么都不怕了 英语翻译我原来一直像个白痴一样被你欺骗最好能长一点的 英语翻译谢谢、我相信你就像我爱你一样,的英文怎么翻译? 月亮是不是像太阳那样的星星 英语翻译你应该甜美的微笑像天使一样幸福 英语翻译 有一个像你一样的朋友真好 我的世界,我看别人家里玻璃发着黄色的光像月亮一样, 不知道是不是有那么个人会像我想她一样的在想我的英语翻译