英语语法问题(看看句子对错)The vitamin C in the oranges almost meet the required amountthat the human body every day need.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:51:20

英语语法问题(看看句子对错)The vitamin C in the oranges almost meet the required amountthat the human body every day need.
The vitamin C in the oranges almost meet the required amount
that the human body every day need.

英语语法问题(看看句子对错)The vitamin C in the oranges almost meet the required amountthat the human body every day need.
human body也是单数,所以是needs

The amount of vitamin c in the oranges almost meet the required amount that a human body needs every day.

meet 改为meets
因为the victim C和the human body 都是单数形式,后面的动词也应该用单数第三人称形式,而不是原型。


英语语法问题(看看句子对错)The vitamin C in the oranges almost meet the required amountthat the human body every day need. 英语语法:帮我看看有什么语法问题,Each aspect of my interests and experience completely meet the requirement 帮我看看对错 英语语法问题(关于代词) 英语语法:帮我看看有什么语法问题,Each aspect of my interests and experience completely meet the requirement 不要翻译, 英语语法句子 一个简单的英语句子...帮忙看看对错but she only has a a fly in the ointment ,there are some pocks in her face .这个句子有没有错误,如果没有,可以尽量修改的更好点 一个英语语法的小问题The next morning,the box had disappeared but Mrs.Ramsay was sure that ...(新概念三19课文句子)为什么要用过去完成式had disappeared,用过去式disappeared可以不?为什么? go shall visit we Memorial next Hall sunday the?怎样变成一个句子 go shall vi 判断下列句子对错 判断句子的对错 英语语法句子结构问题There is an apple on the desk.中,on the desk是状语,an apple是主语,is是谓语,那there是什么? 英语语法问题,帮忙看看这篇作文有没有问题(日记)Today many activities,so we all got up earlyToday we are going to go in the first place is twenty-second session of Tsingtao brewstery Festival Entertainment District,we first arri 给我看看英语语法对吗?为什么 there is a desk near the door in the room 英语语法问题:下述句子(见补充说明)是什么从句?I had no idea what I was talking about. look for a girl under the tree希望大家能帮我看看这个句子那有问题, 看看我的句子有没有问题 We can make friends all with others over the world 判断句子对错并说出理由(英语)If you break apart the orange you will see the orange-yellow petals which contain the orange flesh.